Islamists' Criminal Excuses to commit crimes against humanity all over the world

Rice Urges World to Stop Making Excuses for Terrorists, "When are we going to stop making excuses for the terrorists and saying that somebody ... Read more on this subject in related Hot Topics: War on Terrorism ...  

The Star - News - 'Stop making excuses for Muslim criminals', 'Stop making excuses for Muslim criminals' ... The impression is that they are making excuses for terrorism and that's wrong. "Terrorism is a terrible thing ..."

the jihad's excuses for its mass-murders are not even worth a hearing. ...

Straw said it was time to stop making ''excuses" for terrorism. ''The terrorists have struck across the world,

Is (so called) "Occupation" an Excuse for Terrorism?  Call it what you will, under the banners of Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Al Aksa Martyrs' ... The claim that "occupation" excuses terrorism has made... 

No More Excuses

A refreshingly honest admission

The Islamic group Hizb-ut-Tahrir has given Forum 18 News Service a remarkably open acknowledgment of radical Muslim goals.

It's all here. Hizb-ut-Tahrir wants to:

1. Restore a worldwide Caliphate, uniting the world under Islamic rule;

2. Ban all faiths apart from Islam, Judaism and Christianity (members of other religions are not listed as "People of the Book" in the Qur'an);

3. Regulate all religious practice according to Sharia law;

4. "Give all non-Muslim states a choice between either joining the Caliphate under Sharia law, or paying a tax to the Caliphate. Failure to pay the tax would be punished by military attacks."

What the story doesn't say is that Hizb-ut-Tahrir is not saying anything new; it's expressing classic principles of Islamic jurisprudence that are shared by many Muslims worldwide who are not members of this particular organization. Sheikh Omar Bakri in England, for example, has said much the same thing. I profile many others in Onward Muslim Soldiers.

Stop making excuses for Muslim extremists

Oct. 30, 2002 
Mark Steyn
 You get the picture: Sure, Muslim fundamentalists can be pretty extreme, but what about all our Christian fundamentalists? Unfortunately, for the old moral equivalence to hold up, the Christians really need to get off their fundamentalist behinds and start killing more people. At the moment, the brilliantly versatile Muslim fundamentalists are gunning down Maryland schoolkids and bus drivers, hijacking Moscow musicals, self-detonating in Israeli pizza parlours, blowing up French oil tankers in Yemen, and slaughtering nightclubbers in Bali, while Christian fundamentalists are, er, sounding extremely strident in their calls for the return of prayer in school
Heigh-ho. After weeks of assurances that the sniper was an "angry white male," it turns out the only angry white males connected to this story are the ones in America's newsrooms... Stop making excuses for Muslim extremists. Excuse After Excuse- Radical Muslims: 'Convert or Die'- It is time to stop the charade of Muslim victimization, as it can never excuse the bombings, torture, and beheadings of innocent people

'A country's foreign policy is never an excuse for terrorism' ISM AND-ARAB MUSLIMS BOGUS EXCUSES LIST TO SLAUGHTER THE INNOCENT.



US has been anti Muslim...



Bosnia & Somalia were Muslim countries that US rushed to help.

Most of all Who saved Iraqi Muslims from Saddam???



US has it's military bases on Arabian soil...



Is this not the Arabian Govt. that wants/needs protection from their radical 'brothers'?



US' foreign policy is pro Israel & Israel is anti Arab Muslims.



1) Not only is Israel just trying to survive against Arab militant terrorists but Arabs that are not engaged in terror enjoy a nice life inside Israel.

2) Especially now that even US puts more & more pressure on VICTIM Israel to give more & more concessions to AGGRESSOR Arab "palestinians"...



Arabs bomb Israeli innocent men women & children as their only weapon against "occupation."



1) Arab "palestinians" started to butcher Jews already (at least since) in 1929.
2) What does teaching their children to kill all Jews or all Christians have to do with so called "freedom fighting"?
3) Even if we'd say that "Palestinian" ARABS should have a homeland, most voices in democratic Israel are for trying to give land for ARAB "Palestinians," whereas ARAB terrorists' organizations (with so much backing in their wider population) want it all.
4) This EXCUSE won't work worldwide where Arab Muslims bomb torture & kill non Muslim.



"Desperate" Arab-Muslims act on their own...



Extensive documentation about Arab Muslims MAIN media (asides from their competition on lying about the West) & major influential leaders inciting to violence & encouraging/glorifying HOMICIDE BOMBING on civilians as "martyrs."
Sophisticated bombers need real help from expert adults.



US & UK bombed civilians in Iraq.



US & UK saved Arab Muslim Kuwait & Arab Muslim Iraqis from Iraqi brutal tyrant Saddam Hussein



US & UK bombed Afghanistan, Israel bombed Arab "Palestinian" terror centers



US UK & Israel were never targeting civilians, imagine if Israel (for example) would not be careful even in collateral damage...

And how do any of the above excuses ever "justify" targeting innocent unarmed people in most of the entire world?


It's all about Iraq, isn't it?

Yep, it's all about Iraq and...

India and the Sudan and Algeria and Afghanistan and New York and Pakistan and Israel and Russia and Chechnya and the Philippines and Indonesia and Nigeria and England and Thailand and Spain and Egypt and Bangladesh and Saudi Arabia and Ingushetia and Dagestan and Turkey and Kabardino-Balkaria and Morocco and Yemen and Lebanon and France and Uzbekistan and Gaza and Tunisia and Kosovo and Bosnia and Mauritania and Kenya and Eritrea and Syria and Somalia and California and Argentina and Kuwait and Virginia and Ethiopia and Iran and Jordan and United Arab Emirates and Louisiana and Texas and Tanzania and Germany and Australia and Pennsylvania and Belgium and Denmark and East Timor and Qatar and Maryland and Tajikistan and the Netherlands and Scotland and Chad and Canada and China and... ,p> ...and pretty much wherever Muslims believe their religion tells them to:

"Fight those who do not believe in Allah, ... nor follow the religion of truth... until they pay the tax in acknowledg-ment of superiority and they are in a state of subjection." Qur'an, Sura 9:29

Islamists' planned attacks on the UK in 2001 - long before that "Iraq excuse" came about.

BBC News | MEDIA REPORTS | Al-Qaeda note suggests 'attack on London'- [ Traduzca esta página ]Sunday, 16 December, 2001, 16:08 GMT. Al-Qaeda note suggests 'attack on London'

Several newspapers have reported the discovery of what could be al-Qaeda plans to carry out a "terrorist attack" on London.
A notebook was reportedly found in a house in the southern Afghan city of Kandahar from which followers of Osama Bin Laden "are believed to have fled in a hurry".

The notebook is said to have contained plans to detonate a 480kg remote control device "to be left in a van parked preferably in Moorgate, in the City of London".

The planned attack is reported in both The Observer newspaper in London and the Expresso...


 Al-Qaida cell in UK 'planned attack' (2001)

John Hooper in Berlin and Nick Hopkins
 Friday October 26, 2001

 An attack by Osama bin Laden's guerrillas in Britain this year was foiled as they were on the point of striking, according to an al-Qaida commander in Europe and one of his associates.

 Their startling revelation emerges in a police report obtained by the Guardian which gives details of a discussion between Islamist extremists secretly taped by Italian anti-terrorist detectives last March. The conversation was held just four days after police at Heathrow had made the last in a series of arrests of suspected al-Qaida terrorists in Britain. 

Bin Laden British cell planned gas attack on European Parliament

By David Bamber, Chris Hastings and Rajeev Syal
(Filed: 16/09/2001)

ISLAMIC terrorists based in Britain and controlled by Osama bin Laden planned a devastating attack in February on the European Parliament building in Strasbourg.

Osama bin Laden: may have as many as 5,000 supporters among young Muslims in Britain
A six-strong terror cell funded by the Saudi fugitive planned to kill all 625 Euro-MPs, and scores of officials, by releasing sarin gas into the parliament building.

The attack was scheduled to take place during the session of parliament from February 11 to 14 this year and was to be the first in a series of assaults against prominent buildings across Europe. Algerian terrorists based in London and funded directly by bin Laden worked with counterparts in Milan and Frankfurt.


What does all this suggest?

That even the Iraq excuse is nonsense (the Iraq war, which is mainly Muslim vs Muslim atrocties due to the traditional intolerance & hatred between Sunnis/Shiites, but still they always like to blame the non Muslim party, boy! do they have enormous help from liberals appeasers).

And that the "palestine" excuse (which is basically nothing more than an attempt to try & wash one crime via yet another crime, since it is the Arab Muslim "palestinians" who are trying to ethnic cleanse and commit genocide againt the Jews, since the 1920's, using most despicable tools known to man kind, like using their women & children as human bombs & as human shields, to make sure they die, so they can play "victim", still the perception in the Arab Muslim world is to buy "palestinian" propaganda), is also a fake.

For Jihadists will always find excuses.

