
Well... for those of you that don't know me, and have (however unlikely) stumbled upon my quiet corner of cyber space - WELCOME!

My name is Leigh, and I hail from Congleton (which is in Cheshire, England, for those of you that don't know), I am about to start my first year at Chester University, studying B(A) Hons Archaeology! I did attend Staffordshire University for 1 and a half years, studying B(Eng) Hons Network Engineering - which was shite, so I decided to go and do something I'll enjoy - bit of a change I know!

Well I suppose I'd best introduce myself to those that don't know me, and maybe give an insight into the inner workings of Leigh to those that do:

I'm 21, tall, with blonde hair and blue eyes. My favourite pastime is most likely playing games on my PC, or drinking with friends when the opportunity arises and my wallet permits it (which is very rare these days)! My favourite movies include the Back To The Future Trilogy, Armageddon, Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy, Star Wars Episodes IV to VI, the Lord Of The Rings Extended Trilogy, and Apollo 13. I enjoy reading, but haven't read in a while (in fact I bought the last Harry Potter book a few weeks ago, and still haven't read it!). I'm into Sci-Fi, hence the liking for mainly Sci-Fi movies, and am in fact writing a 6 part Sci-Fi saga spanning a few thousand years, sometimes it seems like it's going to take that long to finish all the novels!

Below are a few links, the homepage link (strangely enough) takes you back to the homepage. uki-networks is owned by a friend of mine, as are quakejon and rockonmusic2k5


uki-networks     quakejon     rockonmusic2k5