<BGSOUND src="//www.oocities.org/reb462/hallowedscreams.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
It is time we meet
You are in for a treat
You I have watched but me you did not see
I slip into the house
Quiet as a mouse
Though no one can hear me pass
Thanks to my little bottle of gas
Time to make everything ready
Oh god I am getting heady
'Quoth the raven never more'
Out come my knives
One for each of your lives
My sweet little bone scraper
My little needle of mind raper
Rope so no one goes astray
Can't have that while I play
Ok everybody is in the living room
HaHaHa..will soon be the dying room
Ok time for a break
For this I want everyone awake
Ah I see we are all awake
Well now the littlest one I shall bake
' Quoth the raven never more'
I take the youngest and put her in the oven
Return to the living room it is time for some lovin
So pretty and just ten years of age
That is just right for our marriage
Close your eyes
And spread your legs here comes a big surprise
Now that I have made you my wife
I will spare your life
'Quoth the raven never more'
Mm mm!something smells so sweet
Must be bake young meat
I like my kid medium rare
Just bake it an hour or so to singe off the hair
Mm mm! this is so good...Oh! I am so rude
Did not even think to share my food
There is nothing like fresh kid meat
Here I will slice each of you off a piece to eat
'Quoth the raven never more'
Ah son don't look so mad
I'll give you a chance to save your mom and dad
But first up her rectum this I will stick
Sorry Hun it is a shotgun and not a dick
   'Quoth the raven nevermore'
If you can get me with this knife
You just may save her life
But you had better move fast
Because she looks she is having a blast
Oops too late looks like she had a bad case of gas
It blew out the top of her head instead of her ass
     'Quoth the raven nevermore'
Well enough of this chit chat
Lets play skin the brat
Now as I begin to peel
Please try not to squirm and squeal
I don't want the knife to slip
Or the skin to rip
'Quoth the raven nevermore'
Well me and my knew wife will take a short repast
Then sir you will be the last
You know your little girl is quite the slut
Watch closely as I give it to her up the butt
Well that was fun
But now it is time to get this done
     'Quoth the raven nevermore'
Liquid Draino works real good on clogged drains
Ever wonder what it does to brains
In through the temple just a little pin prick
Lets see 10 cc's should do the trick
Well my sweet little wife my work here is through
Just let me put a big R on your forehead to show my love is true
Then I must be away
But do not worry I will return someday
'Quoth the raven nevermore'