NPC/Beast Information

Goblin commentator brothers Gore and Bore

Some NPCs may be used in combat during roleplays. An example would be breaking a friend out of jail and having to fight a guard or two along they way. Hardly any experiance is given out for any beast fights so use'em for roleplay purposes or it really isn't worth your while.

The Goblin Soldier
This angry looking goblin is obviously a trained and hardened veteran of many battles. Numerous scars cover his hairy, reddish-green skin and he is clad in various, mismatched pieces of armor.

The Begger
The beggar is tired of living in a wooden crate, and is eyeing you suspiciously. Perhaps he is sizing you up, wondering if he could possibly kill you and get your gold.

The Town Constable
With sun-bronzed muscles glistening with sweat and the burden of armor, this man remains alert to everything occurring in the city. Sworn to protect the citizens of the Lost City, you know that he will not tolerate any shenanigans or criminal activities while he is on duty.

The Elite Arena Guard
Taking a quick glance at this huge guard you notice quite a few battle scars that have not fully healed. His bulging muscles and quick reflexes make him almost impervious to any outside attacker. He has long black hair and a red tint to his eyes.. Possibly from all the blood he has spilt in his battles.

The Blacksmith
You sympathize with this old, balding warrior, who must spend every hour of every day in front of the scorching heat of the forge. His skin is a permanent reddish-brown, and from his brow comes a neverending stream of sweat. His body is slick with perspiration, which accentuates his massive muscles. You fear for the enemy who cause this man to put down his hammer and take up a weapon in anger.

The Jail Warden
The Warden is a serious man, who seems to be made of steel. His piercing gaze freezes your blood, and you realize that he is one of the most physically fit men you have ever seen. Though he is not particularly large, he seems to be very strong and agile, and you can only imagine the numbers of prisoners who have underestimated his prowess during his tenure as the head of the prison.

The Executioner
This huge hulking mountain of a man sends chills up your spine. His body ripples with muscles, and he is shirtless so you may admire his tremendous physique. A black cloth hood conceals his face, and he wears black trousers held up with a rope. Adding to his aura of danger is the massive axe upon which he leans.

The Town Crier
The crier is a sniveling little nuisance, hired only for his large lungs and loud mouth. He is the center of all news and gossip in the Lost City, and loves to shout out official facts as well as whisper tasty tidbits of intrigue before a fight.

The Mayor
The Mayor is a large fellow, with puffy red cheeks and a propensity for chortling merrily at the slightest joke. He seems genuinely friendly, and you feel almost like a child standing before a happy father. The Mayor also acts as the Commissioner since the former Commissioner Lady Rebecca was killed in battle during the war. He prefers to be called Mayor but Commissioner is fine.

Adviser Vid
The Adviser has piercing silver eyes that match his silvery-white hair. He wears long black robes and seems to follow the Mayor wherever he goes. But all respectability ends there, and the fear begins, for you see a shattered sanity behind that smirk, and as this elf cackles after every sentence he passes, you feel your blood run cold.