Pohutukawa Paradise Letterbox
Location: Auckland, New Zealand
Length: Half-day trip minimum
: 5 September 2004 with special help from Jessica, Joshua, and Briana
: last found 24 January 2005

From downtown Auckland you will need to travel by ferry to Auckland's most recent volcano (don't worry - it's unlikely to erupt again!)  You will need to take sturdy shoes and plenty of water as none is available on the island.  A sunhat and sunscreen are also recommended as the heat reflecting off the lava can be intense.

As this volcano erupted around 600 years ago, the lava surfaces are still quite rugged (hence the requirement for the sturdy shoes), and the plant life has adapted to this environment by forming unusual hybrids.  This island hosts New Zealand's largest pohutukawa forest, unlike the pohutukawa trees found on the mainland which are largely reduced to lone trees.

The ferry trip should take around half an hour, and a family return ticket costs around $50.

Once arrived on the island you will need to take the walk to the summit, which is a steady climb.  There is a tractor ride available for $30 per adult and $15 per child if you don't feel up to the walk, but we found the trip to the summit quite manageable even for our four year old, so pretty much anyone should be able to walk it without needing to take the tractor.  The walk takes around one hour one way - again we thought it would take longer at a four year old's pace but we did it in just over an hour.  The two nine year olds with us raced to the summit ahead of us - we reckon they would have done it in 45 minutes if we hadn't made them keep stopping to wait for us!

At the summit take in the awesome view of Auckland city and its surrounds, and when you're ready, head on back down the track to the T junction where the track to the lava caves starts.  Stand in the middle of the clearing here with the shed on your left, and then head down into the bush towards the right of the path into the area filled with mossy rocks and logs.  The ground is quite uneven here so be careful.

You are looking for a large pohutukawa tree whose roots have formed a cave about one metre wide.  As you head towards the tree you will notice a large ditch between you and the tree.  Get down into the ditch in front of the cave, and turn around to face back towards the stairs - yes you really are that close to the track so please do be discreet.  Look down by your feet, and you should see two rocks placed at the left of the opening.  If you remove these you will find the letterbox amongst the leaf matter.

Inside the box you will find a stamp representing this iconic Auckland landmark as it is viewed from Mission Bay.  There is ink provided, but for maximum effect we recommend bringing some green ink also to get a two toned image (our ink pad was too big for the box unfortunately...)  Please rehide it well when you are finished.

We suggest exploring the lava caves before you head back down to the ferry - which by the way you shouldn't miss as there is no overnight accomodation on the island and a charter rescue will be expensive...

A good map can be downloaded by clicking on the appropriate link on the DoC website
here.  Thanks to Chaucey for recommending the map!

Please email us if the box needs attention.
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Page last updated: 19 February 2005
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