Well, I hope this won't intimidate you if you are going to submit your fanfics or fanart. This Submission Guidelines aren't that intimidating. I'm not asking too much from all of you who are going to submit anything. This is just for my convenience and the pleasing appearance of your fanart/fanfic.

For Submitting Stories:

> I'm maintaining a Flame of Recca Fanworks Archive. Your stories MUST have any relation with FoR.
> Pls. be sure that you file is a .html file. It doesn't have to be THAT extravagant. In other words, it has a white background and black text. There is no need for images. However, horizontal lines and links can be used (moderately)
> In your e-mail, pls. specify the title of your story and its parts/chapters, the e-mail you'd like to use and your name/nickname (It doesn't have to be your REAL name but you can use it if you want).
> Pls. include a 3-5 sentence decription of your fanfic. I can do it for you if I have the time but the description that I will provide might not jive with the real description of your Fanfic.
> I will allow yaoi/shonen ai and yuri fanfics do be posted but pls. no HETAI fics. They give me the creeps. If your fanfics contain any hentai material, I'll be forced not to post it. I'm really sorry. I'm sure there are more sites out there who would love to post them.
> Crossover fanfics are allowed as long as you give the title of the Anime but remember, not all of the FoR fans know the anime that you'll include. I think it is wise to give a little info about it.
> I'm willing to accept all your poems, essays and quotations. I know they are not fanfics but it might add a little more color to my page.
> I'm also willing if you can just give me the link to your fanfics. I you want, I'll link to you. If not, I'll download it on my own server.


For Submitting Fanarts:

> Just like the fanfics, pls. let it be related with FoR.
> The artwork must be in .jpg or .gif format.
> In your e-mail, pls. tell me your name and the title of your work (if there is)
> I'll also accept links just like the fanfics.

That wasn't too much to ask right? Well if you are ready to show your fanwork to the world, submit it through this e-mail:


One more thing. I know some of you have their own fanfics and fanart posted at some other Flame of Recca web sites. I would really (I mean it REALLY) appreciate it if you could submit them to the archive too. Is that to much to ask? And for those potential FoR fanfic authors and fanart artists, if you decide to write one FoR fanfic or fanart, will you submit it to me? Your submission will be given full credit and attention.


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