Orange Liqueur (Liquore di Arancia)
Makes about 2 quarts 

*	5 medium naval oranges, washed and dried 
*	1 ¾ cups sugar 
*	1 ½ quarts vodka 
*	Zest of 1 lemon 
*	One 6-inch cinnamon stick (or two 3-inch sticks) 
*	12 whole cloves 
*	2 allspice berries

With a wooden skewer, poke holes all over each orange. Place the oranges in a clean wide-mouth gallon-size jar and add the sugar and vodka. Cap the jar and shake well to dissolve the sugar. Add all the remaining ingredients and shake the jar again.

Store in a cool place, shaking the jar every few weeks, for at least 8 months or up to 1 year.

When ready to use, pour the liqueur into a cheesecloth-lined strainer set over a deep bowl. Squeeze each whole orange over the strainer. Discard the oranges, cinnamon stick, lemon zest, cloves, and allspice. Pour the liqueur into decorative bottles and cap them.

Note: Substitute 8 lemons for oranges to make lemon liqueur.