CROSSBOW (Calvary): Similar in most respects to the larger crossbow, though instead of possessing a heavy metal bow, it has a much lighter bow of layered wood and horn. Slightly smaller in overall size, it is equipped with a metal stirrup at the firing end, enabling it to be more quickly restrung. It is originally mentioned quite early in the series as a "light crossbow" or "sporting crossbow," it is described in book #17, Savages of Gor.


GOREAN WARRIOR SHEILD (noun): a circular shaped shield; made of several layers of bosk's hide generally seven to nine layers thick stretched over a lightweight framework of wood or horn, generally about twenty-four to thirty-six inches in diameter. The shield is often banded with strips of iron to further strengthen it.
The shield, thought seemingly small, is sufficient in size to protect the areas where a fatal blow may be struck, yet it may also be used as a covering in sever weather. It is worn upon the user's arm, usually the left one, and is carried slung across the back while traveling.  The shield is usually painted and sometimes carries a design or device that denotes the warriors city-state.

HELMETS: The most commonly used helmet is the standard Gorean war helmet. It is described as a close-faced helmet which encloses the entire head, with a distinctive "Y" shaped opening in the faceplate to admit air and to allow breathing. This style of helmet was perfected and much in use during the heyday of the city-states of Greece. Mounted atop each example of this type of helmet is a crest plate, upon which can be displayed the symbol of a city or organization.
The crests themselves adorn the top of the helmet either crosswise, from one side of the neck to the other, or lengthwise from the back of the neck to the upper forehead like half-fans. The helmet itself can be painted or lacquered in any color, to represent a grouping, city or caste. This type of helmet is first described in book #1, Tarnsman of Gor, and appears regularly in later books.

WAGON PEOPLE'S HELMET: Another type of a helmet is that often worn by the desert tribesmen and warriors of such cities as Turia and Tor, as well as by the nomadic warriors of the Wagon Peoples. This helmet is cone-shaped steel, often fitted with a nasal guard of narrow flat construction. Such helmets may be trimmed with a ring of fur or fabric which encircles the brow, or with either a cloth covering or chain mail at the back of the helm, that covers the neck. These helmets are closely fitted to the wearer's head, padded with a thick cloth cap. This helmet type first appears in book #4, Nomads of Gor.

NORTHERN WARRIOR HELMET: A final example of helmetry is the helm worn by northern warriors. is in effect a steel or iron bowl. A single metal brow band encircles the head, with two or more curved metal straps attached to it in the pattern of an "X", covering much of the wearer's skull. Curved plates are riveted in place to fill the gaps between the strapping, resulting in a layered metal cap with covers the entire head.
These helmets are often fitted with cheek and neck guards, chain mail camails or even metal faceplates which conceal the face or portions of it like a metal mask. The horns of animals or metal spikes may be attached to the helmet as decoration though this usually makes them rather bulky and difficult to wear in combat. This type of helmet makes its first appearance in book #8, Marauders of Gor.


WAR CLUB (Red Savages): A carved, shaped club of wood or bone, often mounted with a stone or metal head of some sort. This weapon is probably approximately two to three feet in length. This weapon is mentioned in book #18, Blood Brothers of Gor.

BOLO: The favored weapon of the Warriors of Wagon People. The bola consists of three long leather straps, each about 5 feet in length, terminating in a leather sack which contains, a heavy rounded metal weight. Developed for hunting, it also can be used as a weapon of war. Thrown low the long straps, with their approximate ten-foot sweep, strike the victim and the weighted balls, whip about the victim's legs, entangling and tightening the straps.
Thrown high it can pin a man's arms to his sides; thrown at the throat it can strangle him; thrown at the head the whipping weights can crush his skull. Once a victim is entangled with the bolo, another weapon is then utilized to dispatch the victim. This weapon first appears in book #4, Nomads of Gor.

SPIKED HAND WRAPS: heavy cloth or leather strips bound about the hand, with projecting spikes which cover the wearer's knuckles. Described in book #14, Fighting Slave of Gor.

SPIKED LEATHER: A pair of spiked leather balls which are worn upon the hands of gladiatorial fighters; the spikes of these devices can be very long. Mentioned in book #14, Fighting Slave of Gor.

KNIFE GAUNTLETS: A pair of thick leather gauntlets, upon which are mounted crescent shaped knife blades. Sometimes used by gladiators in arena combats. Mentioned in book #14, Fighting Slave of Gor.