The Owners has last say in all ... This is Our Inn. Please show respect as you would in your own.

No colors, No bold, No avatars. Only Black Font/Arial/10. Actions are in pink. This is the only exception to the rule.

Slaves beg AFK, Exit and everything else except to enter , kajira do not respect and no horse playing around in my Inn, if this happens you will be asked to leave ONCE, if your do not leave you will be clicked. Do not ask to Prove drinks, beg to approach or beg from afar to be of service.

All slaves need to keep busy, even if you dont belong to the Inn. If you are not seeing to the Free, you need to do chores or somethign to keep busy. We do not like to see slaves sitting on their "bottoms" ask a Owner or a Keeper what needs to be done.

kajira will end all commands with "
if it pleases you Master"

Slaves in training will show for all classes, unless permission to be excused is granted ahead of time. If you miss more than 3 classes you will be removed until an essay explaining why you are not taking the classes seriously and wasting My time.

Slaves in training and collared to the Inn will be allowed to roam other homes with the permission of Baltazar or Armand . If you are caught without permission you will be punished and possibly removed from this Inn. No exceptions to this rule.

Slaves WILL show respect to ALL Free and do as you are told.
    Masters, Mistresses, FP will be greeted as such.

Gorean manners WILL be upheld in my Inn. I would not come to your Home and disrespect it, DO NOT come to mine and do the same.

This is a peaceful Inn, if you feel the need to fight or start an argument take it out of here ... pm or a private room please.

This is a NKZ , NFC, NCZ, so if you came here to do so please leave.FW know your place, if you act, as a slave be ready to be face stripped and taken as such. (for online use only)

If you are new to Gor and wish to observe, we welcome you to the Home. We have observing mats for you to kneel on and ask questions. Be respectful and know your place.