Luck Girl
A slave girl who acts as mascot onboard ship; her use is usually reserved for the captain of the ship, but she may be shared with the crew, usually as a disciplinary measure. 

Lure Girl
Slaves who are set out by their master's to entice men for the purposes of impressing as crewmen or in work gangs. While the man is distracted, her master's men accost him and hustle him away; also used by panther girls to entice men to be captured as their slaves. Dancer of Gor pg 244 

A Priest-King term for a human slave. Priest Kings of Gor pg 94 

Page Slave
Slaves in paga taverns and inns, to serve domestically and any other way the patron sees fit.

Pagar Kajira, Pleasure Slave, Passion Slave
A slave girl who has been bred, rather captured; specifically, one that has been bred for a particular trait, such as beauty or slave heat or the shape of her lips. 

Personal Serving Girl
A slave assigned or owned by the person she obeys. Her duties may include running errands, general cleaning, or caring for personal belongings. Magicians of Gor pg 366 

Pierced Ear Girl
A slave girl whose ears have been pierced; as piercing a girl's ears is consider the ultimate degradation, it virtually guarantees that the girl will never be freed; the practice first became popular after the fall of Turia to the Wagon Peoples, but is gaining acceptance in the northern cities, especially Ar. 

Pleasure Slave
A slave girl whose main function is sexual servitude to her master.
Pot Girl
A slave girl whose main function is cooking and other menial tasks; used disparagingly. 

Scribe Slave
These slaves are rare since slaves are seldom taught to read or write. Teaching takes time and money a large number of scribe slaves are High Caste free women of the scribes that have been captured. These slaves are used by administrators mostly. They help keep the books that others feel are a tiresome duty. As with all slaves they are not above cooking, cleaning and warming a masters furs. 

Seduction Slave
Used to lure free women into compromising situations so that she can be made slave under the couching laws. The couching law exists in many Gorean cities. The law states that any free woman who couches with another's slave, becomes a slave of the male slaves master. Magicians of Gor pg 8 

Self Contract Slave
An arrangement wherein a Free Woman contracts to be an experimental slave for a period of time ranging from one night to a year. Her documents will contain a specified termination date. Blood Brothers of Gor pg 101 

Side Block Girl

A slave girl sold for a fixed price from the side block of a slave auction house, instead of auctioned from the main block; used disparagingly. Savages of Gor pg 107 

Silk Girl
Term used by those of Torvaldsland to denote a slave girl from the southern cities; often used disparagingly. Marauders of Gor pg 144 

Silk Slave
A male slave kept by Free Women as sexual toys, handsome and sometimes pretty by male standards.
Fighting Slave of Gor pg 157 & 164 Mercenaries of Gor pg 437 

Stable Girl
These slaves tend to the male slaves needs so they do not become unruly. 

Stable Slaves
These kajiri are kept in stables and care for the livestock sometimes fighting for benefits, or betting money for their Owners; rewarded with female stable slaves. 

State Slave
A state owned girl may have various duties, ranging from general cleaning to carrying messages. State tunics and collars are uniform, sleeveless and plain. Considered by most states an unenviable slavery.
Magicians of Gor pg 340-341 & 376 

Tavern Slave
The most common type of slave. These slaves are referred to as kettle-and-mat slaves. In other words, they do everything from serve scullions, cooking, and serving, to warming a Masters furs at night. They are often referred to as pleasure slaves, but are not. 

Male slaves of Torvaldsland. Marauders of Gor pg 82 

Tower Slave
A state slave girl in any of the cities of Gor; her duties in the apartment cylinders are largely domestic. 

Work Slaves
A category of slaves consisting of field slaves, stable slaves, etc. These females are considered, like kettle and mat girls, to be low slaves. Magicians of Gor pg 305