The planet of Gor is a spheroid, shaped like a rounded, inverted top. It is heavier in the southern hemisphere. The planet is smaller than the Earth, is a small distance closer to the Sun, and possesses a lesser gravity. Thus, the Sun looks a fraction larger from the viewpoint of Gor. The angle of the axis of Gor is also somewhat sharper than the Earth. Gor has two polar regions and an equatorial belt, similar to the Earth. It is in the same plane of orbit as the Earth and maintains such an orbit that it keeps the Sun between the two planets, thus blocking visual detection by the Earth. Gor's average temperatures tend to be somewhat stronger than those of Earth. This may be due to its larger land masses as Gor has more land area than Earth, which is covered by about 70% water. The air of Gor is also far cleaner than Earth, free of industrial toxins and pollutants. 
The planet of Gor is not indigenous to our solar system. It was transported here, by the Priest-Kings, about two million years ago and set into its present location. Its location was chosen to hide it from the Earth and it is thought that the highly advanced technology of the Priest-Kings also conceals the existence of Gor from Earth's other detection capabilities. The Priest-Kings are known to be able to control gravity. 
Gor also has three moons, a large one and two smaller ones. They appear white and swift moving through the sky. Only the name of one of the moons has been identified so far in the books. It is one of the small moon and it is called the Prison Moon. There is no explanation given for the origin of its name. The books do not specify if these moons were transported with Gor or if they were taken from elsewhere in our solar system to be used by the Priest-Kings. We also do not know if the Priest-Kings have any purpose for the moons. 
On maps of Gor, most of the planet appears blank and unexplored. Gor is sparsely populated by humans but animal life is rampant throughout Gor. Few people know about the lands that are east of the Voltai and Thentis Mountain Ranges. There are significant sections of the equatorial jungles, north of Schendi, that are largely uncharted. No one knows what lies west on Thassa past the islands of Cos and Tyros. Ships generally do not travel more than a hundred pasangs west of Cos and Tyros. This area is known as the World's End. Anyone who has sailed there has never returned. Thassa is the name of the sole known ocean. It forms the western body of the primary landmass of Gor. 
The following information on the geography of Gor is some basic information only. It does not include all of the information about several of the cities or regions listed. It is meant solely as an overview of Gor. Many of these locations recieve greater detail in other scrolls and the links are given here to those scrolls.
               PLACES ON GOR            
          MISC. GOREAN KNOWLEDGE