
Copyright: All Xena Warrior Princess characters are own by RenPics and company. The bards of Red Hope's Place do not own the characters but own the story line.

Violence: It is a Conqueror story ...

Subtext: We included subtext but there will be no explicit sex.

Feedback: Any feeding can be sent to us at… red_hopes_place@yahoo.com And we'll try to reply promptly as we can.

Started: April 30th 2001, Monday

Bards: Sue, Janelle, Empress Cy, Red Hope, Queen Karena, Lor, Hawke, MomBard, Sara



By Red Hope's Place


Jason left the Conqueror's office late in the evening and debated whether or not to start his inquiries now or in the morning.  He started moving toward the Royal Suite and pondered the different methods he could use that wouldn't leave any permanent damage.

"Hmmm, this could be tricky.  I'll have to be careful with blades.  I'm sure I can use them, but I wonder if permanent damage includes leaving scars.  I'll have to check with the Conqueror in the morning.  Then of course, we could use clubs and blunt instruments.  Those bruise can hurt like Tartarus, but again, need to be careful of broken bones.  Then again, those could be set, so I think that may work."

Jason continued quietly talking to himself as he made his way down the twisting corridors of the keep.  He was rapidly approaching the royal apartments when he heard a noise behind him.  He turned and smiled.

"My liege," he bowed.  "I was just on my way to..."

"Jason," purred Xena.  "Are you so eager for that challenge that you would forgo an evening with your wife?"

Jason bowed his head.  When he again met the Conqueror's eyes he had a smirk on his face.  "It was the thought of a challenge and the fact that you, yourself had given me that challenge."

Xena chuckled and clasped Jason on the shoulder.  "Go on, it can wait till the morning."  Glancing out the hall window, she continued, "And that, itself, isn't far away."

Jason shuffled his feet pulled in two directions.  He wanted the challenge and to see if the outlandish claims made by Dorian about Gabrielle were true.  He sighed, morning would come soon enough and then the challenge would begin.

"You're right as always, Xena.  Tonight, a warm bed with a wonderful woman will do wonders."

Xena chuckled, "I'm hoping to find out if that's true myself."

Jason looked at his liege.  "Majesty, what if the claims are true?  What will you do then?"

"Jason, if I find out that she posses a threat to me, I'll do what I promised a few weeks ago.  I'll put her back up on the cross, upside down," growled the Conqueror.  "That's after I've had a little fun with her first."

"And if she's not a threat?"

"Jason, is your wife going to be happy if you come in much later tonight?"

Jason, taking the hint, bowed and bid the Lion of Amphipolis a good night.


Jason arrived at his apartments in the keep and quietly moved to the side room.  He poked his head in checking on the twins.  He stepped into the room and carefully tucked the blankets around his daughter who had kicked them off in her sleep.  His son, although covered, had managed to wiggle down to the foot of the bed.  He picked up his boy and gently placed him back on his pillow and settled the blankets once more around him.

Jason quietly closed the door and proceeded to his room.  Once inside he quickly crossed the room and started extinguishing some of the candles that Karena left for his return.  He glanced down at his wife and smiled.  In the candlelight her hair was a burnish gold and her nose crinkled in her sleep in the cutest way.

He moved to his side of the bed and glanced out the window noticing that the moon outside was still up, and displaying its full face for Gaia to see.  Quickly he stripped down, trying to be as quiet as possible and then crawled under the covers.  He turned to blow out the last candle when he felt warm arms embrace him from behind.

"Karena, I'm sorry, love, I didn't mean to wake you."

Karena smiled against his bare back and said, "I've been waiting for you."

The light of the candle winked out, and Jason turned in the arms of his wife.  "Really," he chuckled, "and why is that?"

"Oh, you know...  I've always had this attraction for full moons."

Sleep came many hours later and Jason knew that Xena was going to tease him relentlessly about pleasure before business.  Jason smiled, pulled his love closer and once again left work at the office.


The next morning, the sun was streaming in the bedroom window and the golden head, nestled in strong arms started to stir.  The night before had been exciting but sleep had not come till the early hours.  She snuggled in closer to the warm body next to her and tried to go back to sleep.

Suddenly green eyes snapped open and Gabrielle realized she was not alone.  Quickly, the night before flashed in her mind.  She was with Xena; they went for a swim.  The horde attacked them.  She had killed some...  She couldn't finish that thought.  Then someone had tried to kill her while she was sleeping.  Xena had stopped the attack and had the man taken away.  For marks she had tried to sleep, tossing and turning trying to rid herself of an image of a dying face.  She knew she had finally fallen asleep because then the nightmares started.  Suddenly, from out of nowhere warmth, a hushed voice, and the dreams vanished.

Now Gabrielle looked more closely and realized that what woke her was several strands of dark hair that were tickling her nose.  She lifted her head to clear it of the offensive strands.

"'Bout time you woke up," purred Xena.  "I thought I was going to be stuck in bed with you for hours."

Gabrielle looked up into the blue eyes regarding her.  "Um, sorry.  You didn't have to stay her."

"Yes I did, Gabrielle.  It's not everyone that gets a death hold on me and moans and fusses every time I try to move away.  Most want me as far away as possible."

Gabrielle blushed, "I didn't mean to keep you hear."

Xena looked down at their bodies.  What she saw was Gabrielle's arms circling her body and with one hip and leg thrown over Xena's hip and leg.  Smirking, Xena said, "I didn't mind...  Much."

Gabrielle followed Xena's gaze and nearly flew out of the bed.  "Oh...  Um..  Look, I didn't mean to...  I'm...  What I'm trying to say is..."

Xena started to chuckle from the bed as she gazed upon a very attractive blushing body.  "Oh, if I had know this earlier, I would have gotten you up sooner."

Gabrielle looked at the Conqueror, not understanding what she meant.  As she watched, she saw a look of hunger enter into the Warlord's eyes.  Immediately, Gabrielle started to blush harder as she looked around for something to cover herself.

Not seeing anything else, she grabbed for the blankets and quickly wrapped them around herself.  When she looked back at the Conqueror she noticed that Xena wore nothing but a smile.  Groaning, Gabrielle turned away muttering, "This is not my day."

Xena rose from the bed, laughing as she moved about the room and opened a side door.  From within, she pulled out a robe, announcing, "You can turn around now."

Timidly, Gabrielle turned back around.

Xena smiled.  "My schedule for today is quite busy, but I expect to see you at dinner this evening.  Until then, you may only leave this room in the company of one of my Guard-Captains.  Is that understood?"

Gabrielle nodded her head.

A knock disturbed the young woman who had been writing at the desk.  She moved to the door and opened it.  There standing in front of her were two guards.

The guard on the left was, putting it simply, average.  He was of average height and build with short brown hair and brown eyes.  The one on the right was a little stockier with black hair and a beard.

"Come with us," said the guard on the right.


"Girl, I was not asking you, I was telling you.  You are to accompany us now."

Gabrielle looked at the insignia on his outfit and knew he wasn't a Guard-Captain and shook her head.  "I'm sorry, but I'm not allowed to leave with you."

The guards looked at each other and turned back to this slip of a woman just in time to hear the bolt slide home.

"Jarvis, I think we have a problem here," stated the brown haired guard.

"Not nearly the problem that rebel is going to have when Guard-Captain Jason finds out that she not only refused to come with us but she locked herself in the Conqueror's rooms.  Come on, Samos, we have to report," replied Jarvis.

"I'm not so sure I want to be the one to report this to the 'Ol Bag?" mumbled Samos as they moved down the hallway.


Jason was just walking back to his outer office, poured some water into the basin, and proceeded to wash his hands.  As he was drying them on a cloth, he heard a knock at the door.


Jarvis and Samos walked into the office and saluted their superior.

Jason looked at the men and asked, "Missing someone?"

"She refused, Sir," stated Jarvis.

"Well, gentlemen," purred Jason, "when a prisoner refuses to accompany the guards watching them, what do you think should happen?"

Both men stood ramrod straight knowing an answer wasn't expected at this time.  They also both knew that they would be doing stable duty in the very near future.

"So, you're telling me that this woman told you no and you did what?"

Samos swallowed hard, "We were surprised and by the time we realized she was serious, she had shut and bolted the door to the room."

Jason shook his head and snorted.  "Maybe she is everything that Dorian claimed she was.  Thinks fast on her feet.  I'll have to do this myself," thought Jason.

Jason had remained quiet for a few moments.  Neither man moved, unless you counted the beads of sweat rolling down their faces moving, as they awaited their fates.

"Gentlemen," barked the guard-captain, causing both men to jump.  "It would seem that our prisoner thinks more of herself as our guest.  Shall we remedy that problem?"

Both men saluted and yelled, "Yes, Sir!"

Jason smiled and led both men back to the Conqueror's quarters.


Another knock at the door disturbed the young blonde at the writing table.  Once again she went to the door, but instead of opening it she called, "Who is it?"

Jason cleared his throat, "Open the door, Gabrielle."

"No." came the muffled response.  "I can't."

"Why not?" asked Jason.

"I'm not supposed to leave these rooms unless in the company of the Conqueror's Guard-Captain."

"I'm a Guard-Captain," replied Jason.  "Now, please open the door."

"How do I know you're a Guard-Captain?" came the muffled query.

"Well, for starters, you could open the door," replied Jason.

"I don't think so.  You could be anyone just saying that."

Samos and Jarvis looked at each other nervously as they watched the Guard-Captain turn several shades of red.  Both men knew that "Old Bag" was going to blow and neither one wanted to be in the area when he did.  Last time he blew up, the poor fool found out why Jason was called "Old Bag" behind his back.  It actually had two meanings, the first was "Blood and Guts" because of the amount he has spilled in the process of gathering information for the Conqueror.  The other was because any that went into the back office with him, typically left in an old bag to be removed with the rubbish.  Neither man wanted to be the target of his ire.

Jason took a deep breath and held it for a moment.  He then asked, "And how can I prove to you that I am a Guard-Captain, without you opening the door?"

Gabrielle stood still for a moment in thought.  She could take the chance and open the door or hold firm.  She paced back and forth beside the door trying to resolve this issue.  If this was indeed a Guard-Captain she would finally be able to go outside for a bit, provided he wasn't angry with her.  She smiled as a thought came to her.

"Do you have your insignia?"

"Of course I have my insignia, but how do you expect to verify it through a closed door?" asked the Guard-Captain.

"Is it removable?"


"Can you take it off?" asked Gabrielle.

Through clinched teeth, Jason hissed, "Yes!  But how is that going to help?"

"Slide it under the door."

Jason looked at the door as if it had just sprouted a pair of arms.  He then spun on his mean as he heard one of them chuckle.  Eyes narrowing, he stated, "Stables and Kennels for you this week."

Reaching for his insignia, Jason removed it from his uniform.  He bent low and placed it under the door.  The room's occupant removed it from his grasp.  Suddenly he heard the bolt being pulled back and saw the door open.

There, standing before him, was a young woman who had a sheepish smile on her face.  She held out her hand to Jason, presenting him with his insignia.  His eyes traveled over her body taking in her slight build and appearance.

"She could be Karena's sister," he thought.

Gabrielle cleared her throat and stated, "I think this is yours, Guard-Captain."

Jason blinked reached out his hand for his insignia.  He attached to his uniform and stated, "Gabrielle, I'm Guard-Captain Jason.  Please come with me."

Gabrielle followed Jason from the room and noticed that the two guards who had called on her earlier had fallen in behind them.

As they walked, Jason observed his "challenge".  She chatted away about how lovely a day it was and that she was looking forward to this evening, so that she could spend some time with the Conqueror.  That last comment had caused Jason to miss a step but recovered quickly.  He realized she was a little chatterbox and couldn't figure out why.  Finally, he just decided to ask.

"Gabrielle, since we have met, you have been talking none stop.  Care to take a breath and tell me why?  You nervous or something?"

Gabrielle chuckled, "Yah, I guess I am.  I've had a couple of very eventful days recently, and I'm just a bit on edge.  Sorry."

Silence filled the air as Jason decided on how best to approach this challenge.  He decided that since she was in the mood to talk, they would just chat over a meal or something.

"Gabrielle, have you had lunch yet?"


"This way then," stated Jason as he turned away from his offices and head toward the kitchens.  "I think Silva is cooking today."


Jason and Gabrielle moved over to a table along one of the walls.  It tended to be quieter than the middle of the room.  The two sat down and were immediately attended to by a servant.  Two plates were presented to them, as well as some port.

Gabrielle reached out to the young servant, saying, "Excuse me, could I just have some water or cider?"

With a head bob, the servant ran off to the kitchens and returned shortly with the requested drinks.

Jason and Gabrielle had not waited and both immediately started eating there lunch.  After the servant had retreated and Jason was sure they wouldn't be disturbed, he decided to start gathering information.

"So, Gabrielle, I understand you want to be a bard?  Have you traveled much?" asked Jason.

Gabrielle smiled, "Yes, I was studying to be a bard.  When I'm out on the road it helps provide me with room and board so I can travel."

"Really," drawled Jason.  "What kinds of places have you been too?"

Gabrielle shrugged, "All sorts.  I've been to lots of places."

"Tell me about it Gabrielle.  I've always dreamed of traveling.  What were some of the most exotic places you've been?

Jason watched as Gabrielle got this far away look in her face.  "This can't be this easy, can it?"

Gabrielle started talking, and Jason got the feeling that she no longer saw him but was picturing the places that she had seen.  She started describing the Nile and the pyramids.  How the area along the mighty river was green and rich, yet just a short distance away, the desert could easily be seen.

Her voice was melodic and she continued to describe lands that Jason had only heard about.  Her talks of Chin and it rice patties or the majestic hills.  Then there was the way she described the people that she met.  Never a specific name, but always a twinkle in her eye for each memory that came to the foreground.

Jason was slowly being pulled under her spell.  As she continued to tell the tales of India, he noticed how animated she was in some of her descriptions of the land.  He also noticed that they had indeed attracted the attention of some of the other dining hall members.

She smiled at him and asked, "Have you been out of Greece, Guard-Captain Jason?"

Startled at having been asked a question, Jason replied, "Yes.  I've been to Rome and Gaul."

"Really?  Gaul was beautiful.  I remember Vercinix, he and his wife were lovely and they showed me how to ride a horse.  What did you do there?" asked the blonde.

"I was there on a military mission for my liege."

"Wow.  Was it scary?  Is it important?  What was it like?" asked Gabrielle.

Jason smiled at her child-like curiosity.  "No, it wasn't scary.  It was actually a diplomatic mission that required my... unique skills.  I didn't get much time to socialize."

Gabrielle smiled, "Of course, it was official business.  But it must be hard when you have to leave home for a while and not know that you can just turn around and come home when you want to your family."  She paused and then asked, "Guard-Captain, do you have any family in Greece?"

Jason smiled but did not reply.

Gabrielle also smiled, "Aaaahh, you have a special lady, don't cha?"

Jason chuckled and decided that it would be okay to talk about his greatest joy in life...  His family.


"The twins sound wonderful, Guard-Captain Jason.  I'd love to meet them one day," said Gabrielle as she was finishing her dessert.

"The twins sound wonderful, Guard-Captain Jason.  I'd love to meet them one day," said Gabrielle.

"Gabrielle, call me either Jason or Guard-Captain.  And I'm sure they would love to meet you.  To have a bard tell them a bedtime story would be a real treat for them."

This good-natured talk continued for some time.  Jason noticed that a number of people had come and gone and when he glanced at the window he noticed that it was almost dusk.  He shook his head and realized what the little blonde had done.  "She's incredible!  She's pumping me for information.  Amazing.  I guess the Conqueror has finally given me a challenge that I can enjoy."

Gabrielle too noticed the time, "I have to get ready; I'm supposed to have dinner with the Conqueror this evening."

Jason nodded, "I know, and I am also having dinner with her.  You're going to get your chance and meet the twins too."

The two walked back to the Conqueror's rooms.  Once there, Jason looked at Gabrielle and stated, "My liege will be here shortly.  I will come by to accompany you both shortly."


Several candlemarks later, after good food, and better conversation, Karena stated, "I think it is time for these two to go to bed."

Jason and Xena turned and looked at the scene before them.  The twins were fast asleep draped over a lightly dozing Gabrielle.

Karena went to pick up her daughter when she heard, "I'll take care of them, love."

Jason stood and scooped up his son.  He was joined by Xena who picked up his daughter.  He nodded understanding the look in his liege's eyes.

"Karena, would you mind staying here with Gabrielle for a few minute?" asked Jason.

Karena smiled, "Not at all, just don't be long.  I think someone is going to have to tuck her in too.  Poor dear played with the children non-stop since she got her.  I'd imagine that she wouldn't have much of a voice tomorrow with all the talking she did this evening."

Jason chuckled, "You'd think that, wouldn't you?"

Jason and Xena walked side by side with the twins in their arms.

"Well, Jason, tell me how the first day of the challenge go?" asked Xena.

"My liege, she's good.  I mean really good.  She is a talker, just ask her a question, and she'll answer it, but she is also great at gathering information.  I'd say hire her if she's available.  She can have a person talking in no time."

Xena looked at her Guard-Captain.  "Are you saying you failed?"

Jason smiled, "No, I'm saying that this is a great challenge.  She is smart and confident.  She knows how to make a person relax in the right surroundings.  But I think if I took her into my office, she just might be off center enough to slip up and drop some clues to her true identity."

"Hmm.  I wonder which of you is going to make out better in this challenge," wondered the Conqueror out loud.

"Majesty, I will get you the information you seek."

Xena grinned at the man's back as he opened the door to the twins' room.  "From what I heard of her with the children, she already has the upper-hand on the information gathering."

"We'll see."

Red Hope

Gabrielle followed Jason into his office after having a nice breakfast with Jason. The only thing though odd about their breakfast was that Jason was rather quiet and she knew something was on his mind.

"This is my office," stated the small man with a smile that was a bit sad.

Gabrielle gazed about the office, noting the desk with several papers spread about it. She then looked to the right wall and studied the pair of hung crossed swords. She then gazed to the far wall and noted a heavy wood door was located there. Automatically she furrowed her eyebrows in wonderment.

Jason walked over to his desk and quietly sat down. He held his hand out to a chair in front of his desk. "Sit, please," he ordered in a low tone.

The young woman shifted to the chair and sat silently, her eyes never leaving her friend's.

"Gabrielle," started Guard-Captian, "I have a few questions for you."

Gabrielle gave a nod of understanding, just listening to the young man.

"Will you answer them honestly, for me?" Jason briefly dropped his eyes, licking his lips and returned his focus to the small woman.

"And if I don't?" Gabrielle surprisingly challenged.

Jason took a deep breath and tried forcing out his fond memories of this girl, he had to be the Conqueror's feared and lethal Guard-Captain. "Then I may have to force the answer out of you."

Gabrielle had rested back into the chair, her head a bit to one side. "I will try my best, Jason."

Inwardly, the Guard-Captain sighed a gust worth of relief yet he never showed it towards his 'opponent.' "First, are you just a simple peasant?"

Gabrielle made no sign of an answer but then she nodded. "Yes, have been since I was born."

"So you don't happen to be married to a… king per say?" Jason shrugged while gazing about the room before looking back at her.

"No." Gabrielle was shaking her head.

Jason laced his hands together in his lap and he leaned back in his chair, different questions milling about in his mind. "A dead king?"

"What?" Gabrielle laughed but in such a way that made Jason hesitate. "Jason, you are kidding right?"

The Guard-Captain went rather serious now. "I'm not kidding at all."

Gabrielle let out a short giggle before returning into her serious stature. "Not even a dead king. Where have you heard this?"

"Word gets around," replied the young man.

"Yes I know but…" Gabrielle readjusted herself in her seat. "I am a bard…" Her expression was a bit amused. "I tell a lot of stories to people… maybe they take it as my real life." She shrugged. "Who knows."

Only you do, Gabrielle, thought the Guard-Captain. "Well… have you ever told a story dealing with a young woman being married to a dead king?" He then sat up in his chair, his normal fire returning to himself. "Or for that matter, a story about an Amazon Queen, hmmmm?"

"Yes," deadpanned the bard. "And for your information, the Amazon Queen was Melosa."

Jason blinked, he felt a flood of shame and guilt sting him. He had been the one to torture Melosa many years back when he was first starting out and when the Conqueror had needed information about the Amazons. "Melosa was a long time ago," he finally said.

"Not too long ago for the Amazons," countered Gabrielle, "She still lives on with them."

She still lives on with them, thought Jason, and how would you know, Gabrielle?

"Captain, what are you trying to get at?" interrupted the bard. "I'll admit, I have met many people in my travels and told many tales… but I've never been a threat to anybody."

Jason breathed in until his chest was full and slowly he released it. "Would you consider yourself a good bard?"

Gabrielle was caught off by the question but she still answered, "No I wouldn't say that but many others would, yes."

Slowly he nodded his head, his train of thought moving along. "Many say that a good bard tells such good tales because they are telling something not far from the truth."

"True," agreed the bard, "however, some of us bards do dream at night and write those tales we 'lived' too."

"Hmmmm." Jason suddenly leaned back into his chair again. He chewed on the inside of his mouth for a little while. "Why are you here?"

The bard breathed with shakiness but carefully answered, "To tame the Lion."


Gabrielle pressed her lips together in nervousness. "For some reason I need to, I can't say why."

"Why won't you say?" Jason sat up in his chair, his eyes locked on the bard.

"Because… I'm scared," softly replied the bard.

"What is there to be scared of?" The Guard-Captain slowly raised an eyebrow of challenge.

"My emotions… I'm in love with the Conqueror," whispered Gabrielle, her eyes gradually closed.



Xena peered up from her desk to her Guard-Captain. "Come in."

Jason came in, his heart sinking with each step he took.

"What's the report?" inquired the ruler as she kept her head down, writing on a parchment.

"Um…" The Guard-Captain licked his lips and folded his arms against his chest.

The Conqueror looked up again, her full attention on Jason. "Well? What's the report?"

Jason laughed nervously and rubbed the back of his neck. "The report is rather… odd," he finally answered.

"Did you get anything out of her, Jason?" Xena's temper was slightly flaring at this point.

"Sort o-"

"Yes or no?" cut off the ruler. "I don't want maybes or sort of's."

"Yes, I did get some information." Jason ran his right hand through his short brown hair. "Just maybe not the information you need exactly, Conqueror."

"Has she been lying about who she is?"

"I'm not quite sure just yet, Conqueror. She's very hard to read." Jason took a deep breath. "She's very… tricky and cunning. Its hard to tell if its all just an act or real." He noted how the Conqueror's eyes were growing darker with each word he said.

"And did you torture her?" partially growled the Conqueror.

"No," quietly responded the young man.

Ever so slowly, the Warrior Princess lifted a dark eyebrow. "Have you gone soft?"

"No… not quite… its just…"

"You like her, huh?" Xena stood up hastily and came right up to Jason. "So, have you gone soft or not?"

The Guard-Captain swallowed. "No," he said lowly.

"Good." The Conqueror went to the door. "Now you can show me while you torture her in front of me," she commanded. "I want to know the truth about Gabrielle. I will not have my kingdom threatened by one mere girl," she growled hotly.

Jason's head hung down has he trailed behind the angry ruler. He could not be sure if Gabrielle was telling the truth or if she was such a good bard that she was weaving a fairy tale before them all. And he truly didn't know if he had the heart to torture Gabrielle if she was not lying but then he did not enjoy the idea of being killed by the Conqueror for his disobedience.

Queen Karena

Gabrielle paced around the Jason’s office.  She couldn’t help but wonder what was taking him so long.  It seemed like she had been here forever.  At least in the Conqueror’s room, there had been all those scrolls she could have been reading.  Sighing, she took her seat again and nibbled on her fingernails.  That is not a good, sign, Gabrielle.  You know you are nervous when you start chewing on your nails.

Her thought drifted back to the morning.  It seemed so long ago but it had only been a few candlemarks.  She knew she should be worrying about the assassin but it wasn’t the first time and it wouldn’t be the last.  Ever since she had helped Vercinix escape from Rome Caesar had put a price on her head.  Normally, the amazons protected her but her wanderlust just couldn’t keep her with them.   To be a good bard, you have to experience life so you can expand on it for your audience.

The memory of killing that person kept intruding in her every thought.  For all her travels, she had always managed to avoid taking a life … until now.  Part of her wanted to believe that the horde weren’t truly human, but she knew that was just an excuse.  It was a ‘kill or be killed’ situation but that still didn’t make it any easier to accept.  Talking with Xena had helped.  I wish I could talk to her more about it.  She seemed to understand where I was coming from.

A low grumbling sound brought her out of her musings.  A sigh escaped her lips as she realized it was now past lunch and she was hungry.  The sound of footsteps heading towards the room raised the hope that Jason was returning.

Jason slowly walked towards the room he had left Gabrielle in.  He knew that he had to meet the demands of the conqueror but there had to be a way to do so without hurting Gabrielle.  It wasn’t just for him but also for the conqueror.  He had witnessed the interactions between Xena and Gabrielle when they had dinner with him and Karena.  He was well aware of chemistry between them both and was truly worried that the Conqueror’s anger would destroy that.  Gabrielle had been honest about how she felt and he was sure that she was not alone in her feelings.  However, even if Xena were to admit to these feelings, she would no doubt see them as a weakness.  Maybe she is aware.  That would explain her anger.  The sound of feet snapping to attention brought his thoughts back to the present.  He acknowledged the two soldiers guarding his door and entered his office.

Gabrielle’s warm smile awaited his arrival.  He couldn’t help but smile back but quickly replaced it with an impartial look.  Gabrielle, would you …” Before he could finish his sentence Gabrielle jumped in with a request of her own.

“Is it possible to get some lunch? I am quite hungry and breakfast seemed so long ago.  If there is one thing I have a problem doing without, and that is food.”  Gabrielle sheepishly admitted.

Food.  She doesn’t cope without food.  That’s it.  And Xena is bound to appreciate the ingenuity of it.  It was almost too good to be true.  It took all of Jason’s reserve to stop himself from laughing out loud.  “I am sorry, Gabrielle, but that won’t be possible for a while yet.  I have to ask you some more questions and the Conqueror wants to observe.  The assassin this morning has given us reason for concern.  I will be back shortly to take you to the interview room.”  Without allowing Gabrielle any time to respond, Jason quickly exited the room and headed for the kitchen.

“Has the Conqueror eaten yet?”  Jason looked enquiringly at the cook.

“Not yet.  I am just preparing her food now.  Why?”  The cook hated to have her plans disrupted.

“Can you please ensure there is enough for at least four people and have it delivered to the main interview room.  The conqueror will be eating there today.”  Jason left no room for discussion as he headed off to Xena’s room.  He could hear the cook ordering the staff round as she fulfilled his wishes.  Everything was falling nicely into place.

“Conqueror, a moment please.”  Jason waited for Xena to look up.

“What is it now, Guard-Captain?  I thought we had set out the course of action.”  The exasperation was easily heard in her voice.

“I have requested that your lunch be delivered to the main interview room and have increased the amount significantly.”

“Why on earth would you do that?  I had already given my orders and I do not like my decisions challenged.”  Though she spoke quietly, the controlled anger came through loud and clear.

“I know that you wanted to be present when I questioned Ga …”

“Tortured, Guard-Captain, tortured.”  The Conqueror rose from her chair and stood in front of Jason.  “I thought I had made that very clear.”

Ahhh, yes.  Torture comes in many guises and some forms are much more effective than others.  In the case of Gabrielle, I do not believe the traditional style of torture would be suited to getting us the information you require.”  His voice did not betray the fear he was feeling but Xena could see it in his eyes.

“So exactly HOW are you intending to torture this slip of a girl?”  The words caressed his ears but were not reminiscent of a lover’s touch.  The fear he was feeling intensified greatly.  He hoped that the conqueror would appreciate his plan as much as he thought she would.

“The bard seems to have an unusual fascination with food and seems to be forever hungry.”

“Yes, I had noticed that.”  Xena could not help but smile at those memories.  “So what does this have to do with torturing her?”

“She has had no food since breakfast, a number of candlemarks ago.  She will be hungry when she is brought into the main interview room and will be accosted by the smells of your lunch.  The table will be plentiful.  I have ordered enough for four people.  However, she will be placed in a seat away from the food.  She will be able to see it and smell it, but won’t be able to partake in it.  You, however, will be able to eat whenever you desire.  It will be stressed to her than she will be able to share your lunch once she has answered the questions to your satisfaction.”  Jason waited for Xena’s reaction to his suggestion.

The Conqueror slowly walked around Jason.  An evil smile snaked across her face and her eyes lit up.  “Well done, Guard-Captain.  You have outdone yourself this time.  You have managed to avoid inflicting injury but still came up with a plan that is acceptable.  I will meet you in the interview room in half a candlemark.”

Jason bowed and left the room.  Xena watched him go.  She sunk back into her chair and reviewed her feelings.  She had to admit that part of her was very relieved that Gabrielle wasn’t going to get hurt.  Her dream from the previous night edged its way back into her consciousness.  She had to admit how much she was attracted to this young seditionist but it was more than that.  Her emotions were much more than that.  She had been attracted to many people and had not had any qualms about taking what it was that she desired.  It was just about ensuring her needs were met.  Nothing else.  But this was different.  She wanted more than that.  She wanted both their needs met and that scared her.  She wanted Gabrielle to want her for her, not because she had to. 

But before she could pursue any form of relationship, she needed to know exactly who Gabrielle was.  She was obviously a lot more than what she portrayed herself as, if only a small part of what that assassin said was true.  And those answers should be forthcoming in the very near future if the Guard-Captain’s plan came off.  With a determined stride, the Lion headed off to her destiny.

Xena entered the interview room and smile broadly.  The kitchen had outdone itself.  Then smell of freshly baked bread permeated the whole room, as well as the wonderful smell of a rich vegetable stew.  The table was also covered with many different types of cheeses and assorted meats.  It was enough to make Xena’s mouth water and she was not that concerned about food.  She imagined how Gabrielle would cope with this and snickered.  This was definitely going to be such fun.

The sounds of footsteps coming up the hall heralded the arrival of the seditionist.  Xena lounged back in her seat and waited with anticipation.  As they entered the room, she leaned forward and broke open one of the loaves of bread breaking off a bit-sized piece.  She could feel Gabrielle’s eyes fixed on her so she slowly dripped butter over the slice and slowly placed it into her mouth.  Some of the butter dribbled down her chin and she seductively scooped it up with her finger and slid it into her mouth.  Her acute hearing picked up the slight hitch in Gabrielle’s breathing and then the increased pulse rate.  She allowed her eyes to track upwards until they captured Gabrielle’s.  It was like looking into the young woman’s soul and caused her own breathing to change.  It took all of her control to not let the emotion show.

“Could you please sit over there, Gabrielle, and we will commence the questioning.”  Jason’s voice intruded into the charged atmosphere and required Gabrielle to look at him.

“Huh?”  Gabrielle realized it was not the most intelligent comment but she had no idea what he had actually said.

“Can you please take the seat over there.  Jason pointed to the seat at the other end of the room.

Gabrielle looked at the chair, then at the food, and back at the chair.  When she had smelt the food she was sure she was going to be fed, but now she wasn’t so sure.

“Over there?”  She couldn’t help but hope she had heard him wrong.

“That is correct.  I realize you are hungry but we need to get this questioning out of the way first.  Once we have all the answers we need, then you may have something to eat.”

Gabrielle recognized the importance of the comment.  She was not going to get anything to eat until she had told them all they wanted to know.  She had no problem sharing anything about herself, but there were some things that she could not tell, no matter what.  But the smell of the food was playing havoc with her thought processes.  Her stomach made its dismay known with a loud grumble.  She heard the chuckling of the conqueror and glared over at her.  This was an obvious mistake as Xena was in the process of taking a mouthful of that delicious looking stew.  Her tongue was sliding around the spoon, licking off all the excess gravy.  This caused an instant reaction in her stomach.  However, Gabrielle couldn’t work out what she wanted more, the food or Xena’s tongue. 

This little session was not going to be easy.  She quickly moved to her seat and sat down.  She was hoping that Jason may remain where he was so she would not see Xena or the food but that was not meant to be as Jason moved to a chair beside Xena.  A groan slipped past her lips.  Oh great, I can see myself turning into a babbling idiot in five minutes.  I had heard that no-one could survive the conqueror’s torture but no-one had said how inventive she could be.  She has identified all of my weaknesses.  I just wish I could get in touch with my anger of two days ago, but that seems to have well and truly left me.  This is not good.

“Now, Gabrielle, the assassin told us some interesting things about you and Rome.  However, we want to hear your side of things.”  Jason gently asked the question.  He knew her senses were on overload, he could read it in her eyes.

Gabrielle relaxed into bard mode.  She had no problem at all telling her part in helping Hercules free Vercinix.  It was one of things she was most proud of.  Especially how she talked her way into being able to accompany Hercules even though he never wanted her there.  The only part she had a problem with was her decision not to save Craccus by giving him his imperial ring.  She held nothing back and told the whole story.  Silence met the end of her tale.

“So, you are saying that there is a price on your head?”  Xena could not help but ask the question.  It seemed absurd to think that this young woman was wanted by Rome.

“Oh yes, Caesar was very unhappy about us tricking him.  He knew that no-one would come looking for Hercules but what was one more amazon.”  As soon as she had said it, she knew that she had made a mistake.  Everyone knew that the Conqueror had no love of the Amazons.  Good one, Gabrielle. Why don’t you try thinking before you speak.

Xena’s eyes hardened immediately.  That explains how well she had swung that stick.  “You failed to mention you were an amazon.   I thought you said were taken as a slave after Draco raided your home village of Potaidaea.”  The anger in her voice was obvious to all present. 

Gabrielle sighed.  She had not really wanted to tell this story but realized she had to now.  It was more important to keep Xena’s trust than keep the fact that she was an Amazon Princess a secret.

“I am a poor villager and I was taken as a slave by Draco.  He sold us on to the auctioneer for our disbursement.  The township we were in was quite close to Amazon lands and some Amazons were trading there.  Artius decided that he could add some amazons to his booty so captured them as they left the town.   However, he underestimated the amazons and their sisters raided our camp that night to free them.  They freed all the slaves and offered protection to any of the women who wanted to come with them.  I decided I would be safer with a group rather than on my own so took them up on their offer.”

“That doesn’t make you an Amazon.  I am not that stupid, Gabrielle.  Giving someone their protection doesn’t automatically give you Amazon status.”  Xena really wanted to believe the woman but it just didn’t make sense.

“No, it doesn’t.”  A deep sigh left Gabrielle.  She would have to tell it all.  “We had just arrived in Amazon land when we were fired on.  The Amazon just ahead of me took an arrow to the chest.  The rest scattered as they tried to identify where the sniper was.  The arrows kept coming so I threw myself over the injured Amazon to protect her from any other arrows.  The firing stopped before they could catch the person so they came back to check on the wounded.  She was quite badly hit and had blood coming out of the side of her mouth.  She grabbed the front of my shirt and pulled me close.  I can still remember the labored way she spoke.  I had seen death before but it was the first time I had seen someone die on me.  I knew that she didn’t have long to go.  She told me that she was giving me her rite of caste and did I accept it.  I had no idea what she was asking so I said yes.  She looked behind me and asked if the other Amazons had heard and they agreed.  It wasn’t till later that I found out I was now an Amazon princess.”

Xena could not believe her ears.  She knew that the girl spoke the truth.  She prided herself in her ability to tell when someone was lying.  This really put a kink in her plans.  Could she allow herself to go out with an Amazon?  She had done so much to decimate the Amazon population. 

Jason took over the questioning.  “If you are an Amazon princess, how come you are able to wander the countryside without an escort?”

“I talked Queen Melosa in allowing me to leave and gain experience.  I had shown my abilities when I had proven the centaurs were innocent of the ambush and actually helped set up a treaty between the centaurs and the Amazons.  The weapons master taught me the staff and when I reached a level of ability I was allowed to leave with two members of the Royal Guard.  I would make their life very difficult by disappearing from them so I could have time on my own.  They normally would find me again after a few days.”  The pleasure she got from this was evident in her voice.   “I am worried that they would have heard of my crucifixion and be planning something.  I just hope they are not that stupid.” 

“I hope for your sake, princess, that they don’t try anything.”  Xena could not keep her sarcasm out of her voice.  She watched Gabrielle’s head bow and felt an unusual emotion, guilt.  She flicked her eyes back to Jason for him to take over.

“We were also informed that you are the leader of the resistance.  What do you say about this?”

Gabrielle kept her head low.  This was the question she was hoping would not come.  Just how much could she tell without giving up anyone

To Be Continued in Part Two