The 12 Signs of the Zodiac

I see you are indeed more curious than you imagined. I'm glad you have decided to come and see what astrology is all about. Below you will find a list of links to each of the 12 signs in the zodiac, in order by the way they appeared in ancient times, starting with Aries and ending with Pisces. Look for the month and day you were born to fall under one of the signs (put your mouse on top of the image, and the sign name and dates will appear for you), and then click the picture to learn more about yourself.

Also below you will find a list of some links I have found on the net that may be of some interest to you. They lead to some of the largest Astrology sites on the net, and to some pages that belong to friends of mine. I hope you enjoy them as much as I have.

Aries: March 21 to April 20 Taurus: April 21 to May 21 Gemini: May 22 to June 21
Cancer: June 22 to July 22 Leo: July 23 to August 22 Virgo: August 23 to September 23
Libra: September 24 to October 23 Scorpio: October 24 to November 22 Sagittarius: November 23 to December 21
Capricorn: December 22 to January 20 Aquarius: January 21 to February 19 Pisces: February 20 to March 20

Astrological Links

Chinese Zodiac ~ Scarlette's Realm

Free Daily Horoscopes

The Largest Astrology Site on the Net

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