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" God's Brushstrokes "


Your life is like a canvas.

On which God paints for you
A waterfall of lessons
Filled with grace and truth.


His brushstrokes will be varied

With soft hues and some bold,
Which gradually create a scene
As your life unfolds.


Some patchwork may show sunshine,

A spattering...some rain.
He shades and washes with His brush,
Your sorrows, joys, and pain.


If prehaps your canvas seems,

Confusing from the start,
Trust God to turn it into
A splendid work of art.


Your completed picture

Will be beautiful as planned,
If you'll be opened to the touch
Of the Master's loving hand.


Written by: Joyce Mary Ecohard.

May He grant you what is in your heart

And fulfill your every plan
Psalm 20:5


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