My Special Sisters!



"My Special Sisters!"

Oh,the comfort,the inexpressible comfort
Of feeling safe with a person,
Having neither to weigh thoughts,
Nor measure words,!

But pouring them out all right out.
Just as they are,
chaff and grain together:
certain that a faithful hand will,
take and sift them,
Keeping what is worth keeping,
And then with the breath of
Kindness throw away the rest.

The years weave a bond of love
Among sisters. At first glance,
This seems to be an uncomplicated connection,
But examine it closley and you'll,
Discover threads of memory entwined
With,trust,hope,laughter, and tears.

A special love flows between sisters,
As joyful as a bubbling brook,
As deep as a mighty river,
And as indomitable as
a swift mountain stream!

Sisters count on each other's strengths,
And compensate for each other's weakness.
Better than best,
Longer than longest, and
Enduring beyond all others,

Friendship between sisters reaches
Heights other relationships cannot touch!
For there is no friend like a sister.
In calm or stormy weather;
To cheer one on the tedious way,

To fetch one if one goes astray,
To lift one if one totters down,
To strengthen whilst one stand.

A true sister is a friend
Who listens with her heart.

To say a friend is "like a sister"
Is to pay the ultimate compliment!


This page is dedicated to my Special ~Sisters~
Wanda, Billie Irene,
Janie, and Linda with warmest love!


Also dedicated to my Dear Spirit Sister's
My Kindred Spirit,
And dear friends
from over the years
Who have become like dear sisters.


God Bless each of you
Who are so very dear
To my heart.

Thank you to my Spirit Sister
Cathy, who gave me the
" Words of The Heart Sisters Book "
From which these writings came.

Thank you with love Dear Dawn
You are my Angel.
Without your help
I could never do this!

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