The Cracking

Prologue - Chapter 1 Archavist

I find my hand shaking as I write these words. I know all too well what my fate , as one of the Fey , is going to be. That is not now though , just all to soon. What I came to write of was the past.


When and where and how we began no-one knows. All we know is that for ages we have colonized the universes. Sending out a colony to a planet and hoping that one day we would hear back from it.


Shutting off those colonies from the homeworld may seem mean , but there is no other way. No way to tell what awaits on those planets. No way to tell what evil may be waiting in hiding to come back. As it has all to often.


Our Portals tell us nothing of the planet that we colonies. All we know is from the spell that we use to find the planet. That only tells us that a colony , carefully selected , will survive there and thrive. Not under what conditions , or by what trials....


Prologue - Chapter 2 Forging


"They have destroyed our wards and made it into the inner walls." , "It will not be to much longer untill the demons are upon us".


"Not to worry , It is almost complete. Just hold them off a little longer. That is all that is needed. A little more time". Saying that she turned back to the crystal and rejoined the thousands in the aphitheater in the imbuing.


It was then the monstrousities , that were called by many now demons , crashed down the door to the amphitheater. One lone soldier went meet them and quickly died. Not another hand was raised against them. Not another head even turned to watch as they sprang into the multitude of chanters and began to slaughter all they could. Always with one goal , one thing in mind. REACH THE CRYSTAL.


The power from the thousands of magi were so great that you could see it arcing through the air. Forming complex weaves , dances and geametric patterns as it flowed toward the crystal. No thought entered the mind of the magi. Even the ones that were cut down. Except for one. IMBUE THE CRYSTAL.


The Demons laid waste with a spead , frenzy and desperation that they had never known before. Not even bothering to check to make sure they had killed what they had struck down. Something unheard of before this day. There was something more important on there minds though.


A Hugely Grotesque demon finely made it to the crystal. It raised its mace and brought it down with all its might.


Before the mace had even made it half way , all the magi fell over eyes already glazed in death. Skin tawt to bone.


Demons screamed , all things magical screamed. As the very thing that made them what they were was ripped from there body. Turning them to ash.


Halfbreeds , the few magi to feeble to make the trip , anything with a trace of magic in its blood and flesh , fell ill. Shifting , changing , remolding. Bodies readjusting to a nonmagical environment.


A new world. Our world.


Chapter 1 - Prey


I had been eating when it attacked me. It pounced from nowhere. If it hadn't been alone I know now I would be dead. I know now I will be dead. I shook it off and ran , I ran with every ounce of speed my fear would lend me. When that wore off I still kept going. Knowing that it was after me. They never gave up easily. Knowing that when next it came it would not be alone.


I went on as long as I could as far as I could. Wounded though , there was only so far I could go. Tiring I lar down , resting , knowing when next I got up it would be to die. I fell asleep into a wierd sleep where things didn't feal right. It wasn't a nightmare. What was this power , where was it coming from , what was it doing to me?


Howling. I can hear howling. They have found me. I get up. I run. They have me surrounded. I can hear barking all around me. Its coming closer. I try to find a hole to run through. There are none.


I see them now. Furry beasts , silver and yellow eyes glowing in the moonlight. They skulk towards me. Howling to eachother. Always howling and giving eachother those looks.


Then I pounce. Leaping forward I catch the leader. Fling him to one side with a negligent toss of my head. Another has thought to tear into me from behind. I kick at him with both my back lags. Feeling the satisfactory thud. All to soon it is over. I am unscratched and my would be hunters lay about me in a bloody heap. All fiifteen of them. Then I begin to feed.


Feeling Satiated and not a little thirsty I smell out the nearest source of water. Going to it I lower my head down to drink ; and scream in utter horror. Prancing back I try to catch my breath. It is a little while before I can get up the courage to take another look.


Sure anough. Staring back at me is something that looks nothing like me. From head to hoof I am covered In scales colored in splotches of green , black and brown. My hoofs end in two sharp points and have a silverish sheen. Sprouting from my head are my to majestic set of antlers , with fourteen sharp double edged points.


Staring down at my reflection for a long time. Finally it came to me. My worst nemesis would be coming soon. Wouldn't the two-legs be in for a surprise this time.