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MAOIST INTERNATIONAL MOVMENT - the people and their libelous slanders.

Clearing out some stuffy air:

1. Red Comrades is a documentation center for a certain period of time, as it states. It is necessary to show a "middle" point of view that is really outside the Robert Conquest hardline anti-Communist view and outside the hardline Communist-excuses view. It's purpose is only to make people THINK outside the box.

2. That is all Red Comrades is. It is not an organization.

3. Satanic Reds - Social Realists (their FAQ) is not related or connected to this documentation center. This would be obvious to anyaone that can read. One of the writers of some articles is also a founder of the other organization, but that person is also a science fiction writer - SO WHAT!

4. MIM likes to connect the two because they are stupid, libelous idiots. One of the idiots in MIM got "mad" at Tani Jantsang - and that is the alpha and omega of it - it's the whole petty little story.

5. The two are completely not related. That is immediately clear when anyone reads the FAQ.

5. Not all the writers on the Red Comrades site are socialists, communists or anything political at all. Many are just analyzers.

History - how did all this trivial garbage transpire with MIM:

Back in the later 1990s, a UVA college student named Brendan got interested in the MIM due to a course he was taking in Marxism.

Tani Jantsang needed some extra money and wanted a PT job. Brendan knew Tani.

Brendan noticed that the MIM was offering money for a typist. Brendan told Tani.

Tani typed up Black Panther newspapers for MIM, made the news items into etext. Got paid. It was just a job, just like the other PT typing job typing up things for Jehova's Witnesses. It paid. Nothing more to it.

That should have been the end of the story.

No such thing. Did the Jehova's Witnesses bug Tani and try to convert her? Nope. But MIM is another story. They behaved JUST LIKE ROBERT CONQUEST CLAIMS COMMUNISTS BEHAVED!

MIM wanted debate. So they claimed.

Tani had some fun giving them debate, but she wasn't the only one debating.

When MIM could not debate well at all, but just resorted to stupid slogans, Tani decided to debate HERSELF by taking 3 sides herself. The three sides were 1. Archie Bunker Stalin; 2. a Nazi that sees Germans as indigenous First Nations of their lands combined with old Americanist idelogue; 3. a communist. All three were Tani. She gave herself GOOD debate.

It was hilariously, HILARIOUSLY funny. It was like what Plato did.

Tani thought MIM had good theory, sometimes.

Tani also thought MIM had lousy solutions, all the time.

Tani told them so.


After launching a kind of campaign to try to force Tani to think, say, do whatever they wanted (with no results), MIM decided to drag the Church of Satan into this feces. The Church of Satan had a leader, Anton LaVey, a Satanist, that had a "pentagonal revision" platform where he advocated eugenics. MIM tried to get Tani to make the Church of Satan change that. That was IMPOSSIBLE to do. The leader of the Church of Satan (Peter Gilmore), after receiving whining letters from MIM, told MIM to get lost.

Next, MIM made all kinds of wild claims about Tani being an FBI informant or whatever other rubbish they could dredge up out of whole cloth. JUST LIKE THE TACTICS ROBERT CONQUEST SAYS COMMUNIST LEADERS DO.

MIM also takes quotes from the "3 Tani's that debated" out of context and tries to claim these are HER views. Actually, nothing that was argued were HER views. MIM doesn't know HER views. They never asked her; not that she'd tell people like that. They asked for DEBATE.

Well, after hearing enough of this feces, the next time MIM emailed Tani with another pestering, whining email, Tani answered MIM, reminding them of the printed material where they supported terrorists, reminding them of how they said they wanted to annihilate all white men - and Tani sent a CC to the FBI because MIM BEGGED for that by repeatedly accusing her of doing that. Tani never did that before. But since MIM insisted, this time Tani DID do that.

You reading this might think: OH NO! What happened?

Surprising result: NOTHING HAPPENED TO MIM.

Make your own conclusions from that. I know what I conclude from that, but maybe I'm just paranoid. I conclude that nothing happened to MIM because MIM and the FBI are in cahoots. I also find suspicious that MIM is one of the only organizations that accuses other legitimate communist organizations of being spies. They even think the CPUSA is filled with spies. CPUSA members were arrested by the FBI and went to jail in the USA for being Communists.

NOTHING HAPPENED to the MIM people when the FBI got a cc of what they wrote. Consider that carefully.

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