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Born in the bleak month of March 2001, reddiwhipping started off small, with an amusing tic tac toe page. reddiwhipping now covers an estimated 35 pages, and has gotten 500 hits. impressive, no. But it has outgrown it's humble roots as a not too pretty black and red drag and drop site, to a better looking blue and white drag and drop site. Thank you, Yahoo! Pagebuilder 2.60.14.  why blue? you may ask. isn't reddi wip traditionally associated with red and white? now that i've grown more health conscious, i've decided to switch over to reddi wip light with 50% less fat... which has a blue cap. ok i'm lying. originally i was going to use a red background but after receiving comments such as "nauseating" and "i'm going blind" blue seemed more practical. although i am more health conscious, and the reddi wip light cap has a kind of blue-green jive going on. if you like dry humor, wasting time, and chinese jokes... you've come to the right place.