I have a dream...

that every blood-washed, Holy Ghost-filled woman of God would walk in the Spirit; giving their whole hearts to God, with faith, that He might mend them.


I have a dream..

that every woman of God walk together on one accord; yielding all to Him, Jesus Christ our Savior and Lord.


I have a dream...

that the women of God would be that mourning and cunning woman; giving confidence to the babes, that we might have all things in common.


I have a dream...

that all born-again women, black, white, brown and yellow, would learn what it means to truly be  "virtuous" so that they might teach every little girl by example.


If you would pray with me and fast with me, seeking God in all that you do, maybe someday all that I dream will come true.




--- Mother Martha Johnson

Greater Full Gospel

Church of Our Lord Jesus Christ

New Orleans, LA



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