Building To Save Souls
"Let us rise up and build..."
Nehemiah 2:18
Redeeming Love
Outreach Ministries
Dear Partner and Friends in Ministry,

Know that the seed that you sow never leaves your life.  God releases the harvest that is in His Word, when you release what is in your hand.  What you make happen for someone else, God will make happen for you!

You are sowing seed for souls!  The Redeeming Love Outreach family appreciates your partnering with us to reach lost souls for our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

God bless you as you fulfill His plan your life.
Pastor Emma White
Redeeming Love Outreach Ministry
I am committed/pledging the following seed(s):

   One time seed gift of $__________________

   Monthly seed gift of $___________________

   ______________________________________     _________________________________
Signature                                                         Date

   ______________________________________     _________________________________
Address                                                                             City/State/Zip


   Please Return Donations To:                
Redeeming Love Outreach Ministries ~ P.O. Box 1606 ~ Attention: Building Campaign ~ Decatur, AL  35601