About Me
Name: Valarie Mayle
Location: Harrisburg Pennsylvania
n: Social Studies Teacher
Who Got Me Interested in Rabbits: My dad has had rabbits all my life and it has been a common bond for us
Breeds I Have Had At one Time or Another::  Lilacs, Californians, American Sables, Netherland Dwarfs, French Lops, Holland Lops, Florida White, Fuzzy Lops, Palamino, Mini Rex, Jersey Wooly
Rabbit Show Memory:  Trips to ARBA Convention with my mom, dad and Amy will always be in my memory.  My favorite rabbit win was having the 1st place Blue Senior doe at ARBA Convention in 2007 and in 2008 having the 2nd place Blue Junior buck
Other Interests:
Gardening, African Violets, hunting,  U.S. History with special interest in 18th and 19th century and spending time with my 9 year old daughter
Amy is my rabbit show buddy.  She enjoys the social part of rabbit shows. It seems like I have become "Amy's mom" because people meet her before me! She raises Jersey Woolies but has some interest in showing the Tort Mini Rex that popped out in litters this spring so look for her at the Mini Rex table!
Martina McBride - In My Daughter's Eyes

Music Code provided by Song2Play.Com

The Rabbitry
So here it is! This is my rabbitry.  A lot of my free time is spent here either feeding, checking the rabbits over, or cleaning cages!  There are 31 cages to clean and generally it takes me about 3 hours each weekend to clean.  I use 39 gallon trash bags doubled and pay for triple garbage pick up. I go through 3/4 of a bag of shavings each time I clean.  I feed Purina 18% Professional mixed with 16% show to make a 17% feed. This is what I have fed since day one and I'm happy with the results.  I do give a treat in the mornings of a tablespoon of mixture (black sunflower seeds, crimped oats, and  calf mana).