Standardize Testing

Q: When are you offering testing?
A: I have May as my scheduled testing month. If there is a situation where someone needs a different date, I can make arrangements for that student, but my fees are different for "private" sessions.

Q: Why should I test my child with a standardize test?
A: Testing shows a couple of things. First, it shows where your child's strengths and weaknesses can be found. Second, with you comparing your child's weaknesses to the curriculum, you can see where your curriculum may be weak or have "holes". This will enable you to compensate for those areas over the course of the next school year, so your child will be sure to have a strong and complete foundation as they move from grade to grade.

Q: What does my child need to bring?
A: I will supply the tests, scrap paper and pencils. Stanford supplies paper rulers if they are needed.

Q: Can my child use a calculator on the math portion?
A: On the Stanford using a calculator is optional for grades 7th-12th only. They may only use the calculators on the Problem Solving portion of the test.
Calculators are NOT allowed on the Stanford in grades K5-6th grade, on the Math Proceedures section of the Stanford in grades 7th-12th, or on the Iowa at all.

Q: What is the difference between the Stanford and the Iowa tests?
A: They both are "untimed tests". This means that your child will have all the time they need (within reason) to complete each test. [I have found that the Stanford contains a higher level of content, however the questions are more straight forward. This means that there is an obvious "correct" answer.]*

[I have found that the Iowa contains a lower level of content (not by much), however, the questions require the students to analyze and process each question. They must think through each item. This shows you a how well your child can "apply" the information they have learned over the course of the year.]*

Q: Which test do you use for your child?
A: I use the Iowa. I like both tests. Most schools in South Carolina recognize the Stanford over the Iowa. However, during the first year of homeschooling, I gave my daughter both tests and found that the Iowa more correctly identified her strengths and weaknesses.

Q: Why do you schedule Stanford testing and not Iowa testing?
A: Because most parents and schools are more familiar with the Stanford. They like and untimed test. Also, I get more calls from people to test their children with the Stanford.

Q: If I want to use the Iowa, will you administer the test to my child?
A: Yes! I would be glad to do that. However, unless I have a large interest in the Iowa I will not schedule regular sessions to test with it. That would classify the test as a "private" testing session and would be a different fee.

Q: Speaking of "fees". What will it cost me to have you test my child?
A: You will be required to order the test yourself, which means you will pay BJUP for the test and taxes. Currently the tests are running $40 plus tax. My testing administration fee is $30 per student for scheduled sessions. My testing administration fee for private sessions is $45 per student. Please follow the links for testing fees and details to the right for more information.

Q: What if my child gets sick, or I have to reschedule my testing date??
A: There is a specific amount of time I have to administer the test, once I have received it. We can reschedule in case of an emergency, but there will be an additional $15 charge to my regular testing fee for this.

ALLERGY WARNING: If your child is allergic to cats, I cannot test your child ~ we have family cats.

* Denotes my personal opinion after administering the test to my own child.


I am not sure
if I will be
children this school year,
due to a new addition
to our family.
I will
confirm this
later in
the school year.

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