AUTHOR: Susie;;; Gruesome4Goddesses E-Group

DISCLAIMER: The characters do not belong to me, just thought I'd straighten that out right now!!

DISTRIBUTION: Vampie can have it of course and Tellie if she wants. Anyone else ask me first!

SPOILERS: Season 4 Buffy. Spike is chipped is all really


SUMMARY: Willow finds out something that totally throws her world into chaos.

FEEDBACK: please, I need it soooooo much!

NOTES: "Inspired by" D's Fanfiction Challenge #3. At end of the last part of the fic ok?!

DEDICATION: To Vampie and Dru. You both know why!! Thanks a million! J




"Guys, have you seen this?" Willow stood just inside Giles' front door, tears streaming down her face.

"Wills, what is it?" Xander rushed to her side. Before he could hug her she thrust an old and worn piece of paper at him.

"This. Read this." Silently he took the paper and unfolded it.

"It's your birth certificate Wills."

"Yeah. Read down there." She pointed with a shaky finger.

"Mother, Juliana Edwards, Father, and Hey, wait, that's not your mom."

"Let me see." Buffy pulled the paper from him and read it herself. "It says father unknown. Wills, where did you get this?"

"I found it in my mothers, well who I thought was my mother, in her writing case. I...I don't understand." The tears began to fall again, this time Xander managed to hug her.

"It's ok Wills. Giles'll know right?" He looked around at Buffy for an answer.

"Right, as soon as he gets back, he'll know what to do." She nodded as she gently pattered her best friend on the shoulder as Xander held her to his chest as she cried.


"Bloody Hell Watcher, you could have been a bit more&.baitable."

"Really? I'm not so sure. I *was* the one putting my life at risk thank you Spike."'

"You almost got me killed."

"Yes well, rotten luck is all." He answered sarcastically as he placed the ancient text on the counter he and Spike had managed to salvage. It was then that he heard the quiet sobs. It was then that he saw Willow crying. "Good Heavens, what happened? Is everything ok?" He went over to the sofa where all three teenagers sat.

"Hey G-Man, we need you help." Xander took the certificate from Willow's hand and handed it to him. "Is this for real?"

Placing his glasses back on Giles read it. "Oh my." He looked at Willow and then back at the paper. "It can't be." Taking his glasses off he pinched the bridge of his nose closing his eyes. "It&it simply can't be."

"Giles, what aren't you telling us?" Buffy demanded. "You know something, so spill."

"It&it can't be."

"It bloody well *can* be you wanker." Spike added as he read over his shoulder. "It has to be a fake right?" He looked at Willow in disbelief. "I mean why would Red's parents lie?"

"What if they aren't my parents? What then Spike?" Teary eyed she looked up at the vampire.

"Perhaps for you own safety." Giles almost whispered.

"Ok, watcher, tell her all you know or...or I'll hire slutty here to kill you." Spike threatened turning to face Giles and giving him a menacing a look as possible without setting his chip off.

"Why do you care Spike?" Xander asked, his arm still around Willow.

"I hate to see a woman cry is why you moron." Turning back to Giles, he continued.

"So what do you know?"

"I swear I didn't know about this until now." Giles said looking up from his brandy he had just poured. "I...I knew a Juliana Edwards...a long time ago. She and I were...well, we were"

"Shagging mate." Spike grinned at the older mans discomfort. "Everyone does it, nothing wrong with it."

"Wait, so you're saying that you are Willow's dad?" Buffy asked.

"I...I don't know."

"You don't know? How could you not know?" Xander demanded.

"We...we broke up when...well I discovered she was also seeing...Ethan Rayne."

"Ethan Bloody Rayne?" Xander shouted. Spike laughed at the outburst and the words. "I mean." Xander corrected, glaring at the vampire. "Ethan Rayne?"

"So evil psycho Ethan Rayne could be my father?"

"I don't know Willow. I swear I knew nothing about it. We didn't date for very long, she never mentioned it, in fact I never saw her again, never heard of her again."

"What I still don't get is why my parents never told me I was adopted." She began to cry again, her arms around Xander clinging to him.


I want my life to make more sense to me!