Bellmaker Poems Etc
From the Front of the Book:

"Many warriors own the glory
But the saying in Redwall is
'This is the Bellmaker's story
Because the dream was his.'"

Urgan Nagru's Song:

"Where do you come from, where do you go to,
From tundras of white and bright sunrises few,
'Cross mountains and forests, o'er seas wide and blue,
The one they call Foxwolf, the Urgan Nagru."

Joseph the Bellmaker's Dream:

"With sixteen more faces at table,
Bellmaker recalls his quest.
At daylight's last gleam you'll remember
My words whilst you were at rest.

Birds of cloth that fly o'er water,
Guide trees of the forest through the sea,
Where a snake begins, find thy daughter,
Go now, turn thou, due to my plea.

Five will ride the Roaringburn,
But only four will e'er return.
Urgan sits in Gael's Royal House,
Warriormaid and Warriormouse,
Say hasten, and give aid.

Bellringer who'd love to stay,
Go!  With cellarhog, I say,
Laughing flow'r with eye of hawk,
Digger who would rather walk,
Fathermouse with beard of grey,
Five from Redwall go, away!"

Dibbuns' Song:

"Give us dinner every eve,
Or we'll pack our bags and leave.
Where we'll go to we don't know,
Up the path a league or so.
If we don't find comfort there,
Back to Redwall we'll repair.
We'll eat pudden, pie and cake,
All the Abbey cooks can make!"

Abbey Grace:

"Fate and seasons smile on all,
From sunrise to the dark nightfalll,
This bounty from both earth and tree,
Was made to share, twixt you and me,
To Mother Nature let us say,
Our thanks, for life and health this day."

Dirgecaller Chant:

"Ho Dirgecallers, swift and sleek,
You shall have your share.
Fangs will rip and blood will leak,
Scent your victims.  There!"

Shrew River Shanty:

"I was born on a stream and fed from a paddle,
Shrum a doo rye 'ey, shrum a doo rye 'ey,
And here I'll stay 'til me tail don't waggle,
See longweeds grow where the currents flow,
Aye that's the way I like it sooooooooooooo.
Shrum a doo rye 'ey, shrum a doo rye 'ey,
Ho run you river, run my way,
Ho ummm, Ho ummmm, Ho ummmm!"

Joseph's Poem at the Memorial Service:

"Friend is a very small word,
A little sound we make,
For one who is true, one who will do,
Great deeds for friendship's sake.
So while I grieve for you, my friends,
Who gave all that you could give,
You'll be my friends in memory,
For all the days I'll live."

Rosie's Bulgum Song:

"Stand back and watch this Bulgum toad,
He's goin' to do some magic,
But if young Rufe has taught him wrong,
It could turn out quite tragic.
Get back to the ship now, Fatch,
I'll be right behind you,
Glogalog oh please don't sneeze,
Or they will never find you.
Careful when you spit that grog,
Don't stand near the venue,
Or you'll end up crispy fried,
On the marshtoad menu!"

Finnbarr's Sea Otter Ditty:

Whoa there was an ole lobster who married a cod,
Boggle me barnacles, sail off t'sea,
And tho' all the cockles an' clams thought it odd,
Boggle me barnacles, over the brinee
I knows yer a codfish but darlin' yore mine!

For a weddin' brekkfist the pair 'ad to feed,
Boggle me barnacles, sail off t'sea,
On rootybag cake an' the best of seaweed,
Boggle me barnacles, over the brine,
I knows yer a lobster but I loves yer fine!

They was married offshore by a fat little whale,
Boggle me barnacles, sail off t'sea,
An' the guests drank barrels of deepwater ale,
Boggle me barnacles over the brine,
Pass me that flagon of green ocean wine!

The party went on 'til an hour before dark,
Boggle me barnacles, sail off t'sea,
An' they were ate up by an iggereant shark,
Boggle me barnacles over the brine,
A shark don't 'ave manners when he's out to dine!"

Rosie's Laughing Song (and there's six more verses after this one!):

"There is nought on this earth to com-pa-a-a-a-are,
With a comely young fee-hee-male ha-a-a-a-a-are,
He-er beauty is winsome to see-e-ee-e-e-ee-ee,
She will smile and she'll larff pri-ti-lee-eeeeeeee!
Whoohahahahooh haha, whoohahahahooh ha ha ha."

Joseph's Rendition of a Favorite Old Song:

"O Willyum mole to his father said,
'Why don't I hear daybreak?
And why can't I hear the nightfall?
No noise does either make.
Or riddle me diddle me riddle me ree,
Silly old father tell to me,
Why doesn't a fish nest in a tree,
Or a bird fly under the sea?'
'O wise little son,' said his father,
'You never hear daybreak,
And you're never awake to hear nightfall,
You're asleep for goodness sake!
So riddle you diddle you fiddle you do,
Your silly old father loves you true,
If you're good I'll tell you something more,
A beech is a tree and a beach is a shore,
And if sky is blue and wind blew too,
Your silly old father is wiser than you,
So weigh my words as you go on your way,
Tomorrow's today when the nightfalls away!'"

Redwall Grace:

"Thanks to seasons, praise the fates,
For this peace within our gates.
Welcome, friends, who gladly toil,
In our fertile Redwall soil.
May we never famine fear,
Mid the summer's goodness here."

Finnbarr's Shrimp Stew Song:

"Well there ain't a dish in all the world,
As good as ole shrimp stew,
An' this is the best I've ever 'ad,
An' I've 'ad quite a few,
You kin keep yore big sea biscuits,
That duff an' skilly too,
I'll scrape me bowl an' lick me spon,
An' sing to you by the light o' the moon,
There's better days a comin' soon,
But none quite like tonight!"

The Mousemole Reel:

"One, two, let me bow to you,
Away we go from the centre through.
Oh there was a mouse in Mossflower,
And he was plump and cheery,
Lived right next to a mole so fair,
A little dark-eyed dearie.
Three, four, I'll tell you more,
Whirl your partner round the floor!
She baked a pie, oh my, oh my,
And said, 'I've got no cherries,
Sir mouse when you go out abroad,
Will you bring back some berrie?"
Five, six, here's a fix,
Cursty maids and gather sticks!
The mouse roved out in to the woods,
And came back heavy laden,
With cherries and ripe fruit to boot,
To give unto the maiden.
Seven, eight, stand and wait,
Clap your paws, it's very late!
The mole took up a wooden bowl,
The mouse he grabbed a ladle,
And as they ate that lovely pie,
They danced around the table.
Nine, ten and back to one,
Bow to your partners for the dance is done!"

The Slaughter of the Crew of the Rusty Chain (sung by Slipp and Blaggut):

"Whoa, the Cap'n of the Rusty Chain,
Ain't feelin' much surprise,
'E's deader'n a duck on the ocean floor,
While the fish nibble out 'is eyes.
An' the crew of the Rusy Chain,
Ain't feeling too much pain,
O y'can't wipe yer nose when yer 'ead's chopped off,
An' they'll never see their tails again...
O the bosun's got a spear in 'is liver,
An' the mate's got a spear through 'is throat,
An' they're usin' the fat off an' ole searat,
To set alight to the boat.
O they carved off the lookout's ears,
An' stuffed em up 'is no--"

Another Redwall Grace:

"Autumn comes, the summer's flown,
Travellers' journey ends.
Harvest is in, the table laid,
Sit you down 'midst friends!"