Name: Rasa (aka: The Talking Halfdemon, aka: Wolf)

Age: 12

Where I Live: At my computer desk in a house in Austin, Texas.

Started Playing Neopets?:
A long time ago on several different accounts.

E-mail Address: aliyasummers@austinrr.com

Favorite Books:
Redwall series (Brian Jacques), Harry Potter series (J.K. Rowling), Lord of the Rings (J. R. R. Tolkien), The Wee Free Men (?Terry Pratchett), Watership Down (Richard Adams), anything by Tamora Pierce, The House of the Scorpion (Nancy Farmer), The Sight (David Clement-Davies)

Least Favorite Book:
The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle (Avi)

Started Reading Redwall:
middle/end of third grade

Favorite Redwall Songs:
"The Battle of the Boiling Water" (Taggerung. Sung very well by Boorab on the tape), "The Song of the Long Patrol" (The Long Patrol, Mariel of Redwall), The song with the chours of "They all cried, mercey  me, please let us free, We'll swim back to our mothers, My very kind sir, now please be fair and go on' catch some others" (Sung by Mokug in Triss), Grubbage's favorite ditty (Sung by Ripper, Tazzin and Scummy(?))

Pups (5 yr old Labrador Retriever mix), Callie (5 yr old Jack Russel Terrier), Harriet and Root (Classroom pet rats), Fuzzy Fluffball Fatty Dusty Rollercoaster Blue (Mouse, call name: Fuzzy)

Favorite Pasttimes:
Eating, sleeping, reading Redwall, Internet, chatting...

School (sixth grade)

Favorite Subject:

Least Favorite Subject:
Spanish... or math.