Built by the Works Progress Administration (WPA), this school was state-of-the-art in design and construction.  Features were masonry walls of clay tile faced with brick, cast stone sills, plaster walls with a black abrasive coarse sand finish, steel casement widow sash, maple flooring, institutional grade hinges, hardware, and solid core wood doors;  steam heat, hot and cold running water, modern bathroom fixtures and partitions, a real theatrical stage complete with recessed footlights, floods and spots, scenery backdrop and curtains.  To many children at the time, this was the first inside plumbing they had ever used, or even seen.  Many homes didn't have electricity, either.

In spite of the hard times, the teachers were second to none!  There were so many good ones, I will make no attempt no name.  A band was formed about 1939 under the direction of music teacher Avis Downey, who later married Adlai Stephens and moved to the Frankfort area late in the War-c.1944.  The Faculty in 1940-41 was H G Pennycuff, Principal and Ag Teacher; Thomas Gabbard, History, Civics and Coach; Rodney T Clark, Science and Math; Florence Vada Hall, English and Science; Madge M Baker, Home Econ; Avis Downey, Music, Math; Inthy Faye Gillis, Spanish, Librarian; George Brewer, Biology, Math.  The Powell County Board of Education was George Crabtree, Chairman; D S "Doc" Thomas, Herbert Clark, Rodney Allen.  Thomas I Rogers was Superintendent of Schools, Clarence Crabtree, Attendance Officer, Hazel Stewart, Secretary.

Edsel Sherwood Reed writes, "My first two years of school were at the old Stanton College.  I started in 1935 in the middle of the Depression.  We had some great teachers, including Paul Frazier, who stirred my interest in History and other Nations. ..   My last two years were spent at the new high school, now torn down and replaced."  Edsel graduated in 1939 and entered Morehead State College that Autumn.

My Eighth Grade class moved to the high school in the 1944-45 school year and was taught by Maude Harris.  I believe, but can't be sure, that this was a county-wide change.  Seems I remember Reola Welch also had an 8th Grade class. We occupied the upstairs rooms just left of the Library (the raised center portion in above photo).  Margaret Anne Rowland of Clay City enrolled in September, 1947, and soon my life was changed forever for the better.  Graduating in 1949, I entered Eastern Kentucky State College, Richmond, in September, and received my degree in Civil Engineering from the University of Kentucky in June 1954..

I welcome any corrections and additions to the above recollections.

Montford Lee Reed, 11 June 2003


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