Cragon - Federation II


My company is called Terra Space Mining Corp and has three factories operating at the present time. A Propellants factory on Earth, a Nanos factory on Rhea and a LubOils factory on Pearl. In addition to my factories I have bought a depot on each planet to support the factories and although I have yet to make a profit it is expected to turn a modest profit in the secound cycle.

My first thought after establishing my company was what a relief it is to be done with futures, although I understand that at some future point in time it will be necessary to dabble in them again.


Exploration of the mines on Venus is something everyone should do. Ask anyone in Fed who has done Akaturi jobs and they will tell you all about them. The shuttle is a different ride experience than the buggy on Phobos and well worth the time taken to go there.

As a matter of fact, you should take the time to fully explore all the locations on Venus.

Day 5 of my first cycle and TSMCorp is in the black with a profit of 980000ig. Keeping my depots stocked with low cost inputs for my factories is a full time job but that is what it takes to be a successful CEO.

Eruption on Io

Space Walk

Latest update shows that I now have 7 factories into my third cycle and have found several investors (Financiers) have purchased shares in my growing enterprise.

With 2 days left before my third and last cycle at Industrialist is complete I have purchased my 10th factory and profits are around the 13Mig mark.


Wouldn't you know it that on the day I promote to Manufacturer my computer breaks down and on a Sunday even, when my local repair shop is closed. It was 6 pm on Monday before I could log on and find myself with a new title.

The good thing as it turned out was that a broken clamp on the CPU heat/sink fan was under warranty and the cost of repair was zero. What a relief.

My second cycle at Manu has proven to be interesting since I must now repair my factories and depots. Keeping the shareholders happy with dividends is also required.

Speaking of shareholders, somehow I lost 1,000 shares. A recent check of my shareholders indicated that there were only 9,000 shares when there should have been 10,000. The anomaly was reported.

With only 4 days left on my third cycle it would appear my promotion to Financier is assured. Looking forward to seeing people promote to Founder so I can visit player planets.

Reached a point today at Manufacturer whereby I can promote at anytime by selling my depots and factories. I have chosen to stay as a Manufacturer at least until someone promotes to Founder.

Advice received from Ferreri has convinced me to stay at Manu until I have amassed at least 100Migs in capital. At last look I have close to 80Mig in capital and it is growing at a reasonable rate. Since I have decided to take Ferreri's advice and wait to promote I must admit to enjoying the Manufacturer level.

Ferreri was attractive don't you think? I say was because I understand she is no longer in Fed and I thought her picture should be here as a memorial to her and my way of saying thanks for the help and you will not be forgotten.

The time has come to sell all my factories and depots.

Promotion to Financier will take place at the next reset and I will be back to looking for futures again.

Groundhog to Commander (Page 1)

Captain to Adventurer (Page 2)

Merchant to Trader (Page 3)

Financier to Founder (Page 5)

Engineer to Mogul Page 6)

Federation II

Page last updated Feb. 6, 2009

Page 4.