In Memory

We are saddened to announce the death of "Curly" Bill McCloud on the 19th of October 1998.

Bill was a member of the 10th Louisiana (A.C.W.H.R.S.) and a friend of the 2nd Michigan Vol. Inf.

He Will be dearly missed by all. See you in Heaven Johnny Reb.

In Memory

We are saddened to announce the death of Tracey Kirtz. She was the beloved wife of Captain Devin Kirtz of the 8th Connecticut Infantry. A member also of the United States Volunteers (U.S.V.)

We will always remember the way her presence made us smile. See you in Heaven Me Lady Tracey.

Email me at cwbuff2@sprint.ca in the meantime.
Please come back soon and visit the 2nd Michigan V.I.
Company "A"

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