Refen 's Home Page

Hi I'm refen.
I signed up on 02/01/98 14:35:15, and though I have moved in, this is still the fast pre-page page thingy.

My interests are:
games, computer, poetry,....

The description of my page is:
personal thoughts
teen thoughts

Please don't Email me at any address in the meantime, unless you really want to talk to me.
If you REALLY like something or find broken links < I know there will be some> you can email me at:

PLEASE don't spam me. If you do, I'll have to kill the feedback stuff. Thnx.


To my masterlinks page

To my artstuffs

To my poetry

To my story(ies)

To my infernal truths/ deep thoughts page----<oooh dreary 3+year old stuff>




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