Boggy Creek
Family Weekend 2003
Sponsored by the Child Cancer Fund
The theme for the weekend was Superhero - because all these kids are SUPERHEROS!!!!
Monica was our Family Pal for the weekend - this means it was  her job to keep up with Owen.  Owen kept her busy and on her toes.  They had a GREAT time.
  Thank you Monica for such an enjoyable time.  Hope to see you at 
camp next year.
The weekend was packed full of activites. 
Friday night - Stories by the  campfire
Saturday - Archery,  arts & crafts, woodworking, swimming, paddle boats, fishing, cookout, a Superhero Dance
Sunday - Archery, walk the dog, and the Talent Show finale..
Owen's favorite nurse from the hospital - Mr. Greg.
Monica, Owen, and Ed showing off their camp spirit smiles.
Owen and Monica getting down to some music.
Owen letting  Monica do ALL the work on the paddle boats.
Woodworking was really neat! Owen made a Shark.
Super-Greg having a little fun on the Dance Floor.