Support US Policy Towards Iraq
About Me
I'm not an organization, just a gal with an interest in politics, who got tired of watching protesters on television, and feeling like the rest of us weren't being represented much, especially considering that polling data shows us to be in the majority.  So, I went out looking for a website of like-minded supporters of US policy towards Iraq.

And I looked....

And I looked...

And then I started one of my own.

And here I am.

I'm a college graduate with a degree in International Affairs.  But I work as professional support staff in the marketing department of an investment management firm.  So, I am utterly unofficial in this little campaign of mine, to have our interests counted and considered.  Heck, I've never even built a website before...all things considered, this isn't too difficult.  For a basic, serviceable website, anyway.

My interests are pretty eclectic:  history, theater, dance, costuming, selling Avon cosmetics, watching anything produced by Joss Whedon.  I have a husband and two cats.  I pretty much vote Republican, though I don't contribute to the cause or anything.  What party work I've done in my life has been minor and has left me thinking that the organization of the endeavor left a LOT to be desired.  I could show them a thing or two about what spreadsheets can do!

But my interest here is civic, not partisan.  I welcome others' support, and we'll see where this goes.  It would be nice to organize some gatherings, and then try to get some press coverage for them.  Maybe create a groundswell, maybe just stand around and pat ourselves on the back.  Time will tell.

I welcome
e-mails, though I may not be able to answer them all, at least not right away.  We'll see what happens.

Thanks for your indulgence ~

est. 25 February 2003
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