Welcome to the website of the 
Blessed Virgin Mary, Queen of Heaven

This website is dedicated to God and all people, world wide, who seek a greater spiritual connection with the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of Our Lord, Jesus. 

People of all faiths are welcome to submit a prayer request here.  All are welcome to ask for help.




That God, Our Father, is the King of this World and the Master of the Universe. 

That this prayer of the Ancient Hebrews holds true: 

"You are Mighty, forever, O Lord."

That Our Lord Jesus said, 

"I am the Way and the Truth and the Life. 
No one comes to the Father except 
through Me."


That the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of Jesus, was born of an Immaculate Conception;

That the Blessed Virgin Mary found favor with God and is blessed amongst all women;

That Our Lady Mary, gave birth as a virgin to the Messiah, Our Lord Jesus;

That the Blessed Virgin Mary will hear our prayers and will beg God and His Son, on our behalf, for our help, for our forgiveness and for our salvation.

Click on the images on the left in the table below to find more resources regarding the Blessed Virgin Mary and our Faith.
The Lord's Prayer

Our Prayer to God

Our beliefs as set out
in the Apostle's Creed
The Act of Contrition

Our Father, we are sorry

References to the 
Blessed Virgin Mary 
in the Holy Bible
The Litany of Loreto 
lists many of the titles 
of the Blessed Virgin Mary 
from the 
Blessed Virgin Mary
A sampling of the 
Ave Maria
in several languages
A simple prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary
Our Lady
We seek your help
Holy Queen
We ask for mercy

A sampling of images of
the Blessed Virgin Mary


Several icons of 
the Blessed Virgin Mary

Prayer Requests 

Please pray for your brothers and sisters in this world. 

And ask them to pray for you. 


Thank you for visiting the Queen of Heaven web site.

This is our prayer for you

The Lord bless you and keep 

The Lord make his face to shine 
upon you and be gracious 
unto you 

The Lord lift up his face upon 
you and give you peace

Numbers 6:24

We must remember this....

That religious, racial and ethnic hatreds are an abiding and everlasting sorrow before God.

The Saints weep for us.  But we do not weep for our brothers and sisters in this world.

Let us pray for world peace, for greater understanding and for the betterment of the human condition. 

In Genesis 4, we are told of this:

And Cain said to God 

"Am I my brother's keeper?" 

and God said to Cain: 

"What hast thou done? 
The voice of thy brother's blood crieth 
unto me from the ground."


Therefore, let us not grieve our Lord by bloodshed, war, religious and ethnic intolerance and hatred. 

Let us not judge others, lest we be judged.  Let us not cast the first stone. 

Only God is our Judge.


 I forget Thee, O Lord, please do not Thou forget me  

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All Rights Reserved

This website is also dedicated from Greg to Warren, Christopher and Grant, 
with the prayer that the Saints always pray for blessings upon these men.