South Coast Region 11

Regional Information Technology Facilitator

Action Plan 2000 - 2002 presented by Bro. Graeme Beresford

The important themes in this action plan are Communication, Education and Management.


Freemasonry is a fraternal organisation with volunteer officers taking on large scale responsibilities with limited resources. In large businesses and organisations, generally communication is difficult at best. By harnessing the power of technology and using simple administration approaches, much can be achieved.

The channels of communication, in the strictist sense, are lengthy with Grand Lodge, Regions, Districts and then the Local Level. In the past without the assistance of email and the internet it relied upon the individual representatives at each level to pass communications up and down the channels.

With modern technology there is a real opportunity to communicate as never before. However caution bust be exercised to ensure communication is simple and serves our Brethren best, and not creating a bureaucracy.

Email has revolutionised the business world and offers the opportunity of direct communication and information sharing. Our Regional Grand Counsellor has appointed a number of specialised officers to serve the DGIWs and the Brethren of our Region and the use of the Internet will facilitate access to these officers.

Contact is just one aim under communication. Communicating ideas is another goal for Lodges and Brethren as well as Lodge Officers. Each appointed officer will create an Action Plan that will be accessible to the brethren with access to the Internet.

Chat sites are an initiative to be pursued to assist brethren who are restricted by time, distance and opportunity to come into contact with fellow Masons. Very often a brother could feel isolated for some reason or another and hopefully this facility will fill a genuine need.


Newsletters and lodge notices have traditionally been used as means of communication. The Web Site will make these widely available to brethren from different Lodges.


Many newly raised Master Masons have experienced a lack of education material. So has the general public. Working with the Regional Education and Membership Facilitator, education material will be made available as a CD or floppy disk.

Why a CD?

The CD system has a double purpose. Educating both internally and externally the qualities of Freemasonry that we hold dear and in which we will build a better future. Much information available to the public is unfortunately negative and through this initiative we will be able to help balance that information shortage. A CD allows a vast amount of information (650MB) to be circulated at a very reasonable price. ( Estimated $5 - 10.00 each).

Why a CD and the Internet?

The CD will contain static information; updates are envisaged to be provided every six months, whilst the Internet communicates with the world at large as well as providing an ever changing and dynamic information such as lodge and social programmes, Regional and District activities, etc. In order to obtain the most benefit from Information Technology, this balance between static and dynamic information must exist.


Proficiency in Lodge Management

The Regional Grand Counsellor is promoting a plan for Proficiency in Lodge Management. Regional General statistics on the Lodges and results will be provided. This information will be of a general nature to inform the Region, the DGIWs, and the Lodges of the number of participants to gauge the success of the scheme.

Membership Database

A suggested membership database may be inappropriate. The logistics of maintaining such a facility up to date would be difficult, and the possible perception of 'big brother' may have to be considered.

Lodge Attendance Role

In order to keep a good and viable management of attendance for individuals, a Lodge Attendance Role may be the course to adopt. It could prove very useful to the Caring Officer and Membership Director, who should keep and monitor a record of attendance and call on those Brethren absent from Lodge activities.














Member Practise Meeting P M P M P M P M P M P M P M P M P M P M P M
Graeme Beresford Y Y N Y                                        

Fraternal Visits

The Web Site may assist to advertise Lodge functions, from where fraternal visits can be arranged, specially in inter-district or intra-regional activities.

Electronic Masonic Groups

The possiblity of special purpose chat groups when the other chat sites are investigated will be considered for investigation and adoption if there is sufficient interest.

Masonic Buildings

A standard building survey that is created by building committees could be placed on the web site.


Attendance Role

Members / Visitors / New Members + or -














Lodge M V N M V N V M N M V N M V N M V N M V N M V N M V N M V N M V N M V N