1. Length of Games:
J.V.: 7 minute quarters, 3 minute overtime
     Varsity: 7 minute quarters, 3 minute overtime

Timeouts: 3 full, 2 thirty second timeouts
                         Coaches can call timeouts.
3. Varsity Playoffs: They will be scheduled to begin the
                                      week of February 5. All teams will make
                                      the playoffs. Playoffs will be bracketed.
                                      The top five teams will get a bye in the
                                      first round. The regular season and
                                      playoff champions will advance to
                                      the Archdiocesean Playoffs. In the
                                      case that the same team wins both,
                                      the team that loses in the playoff                                                     championship, will be the second team.
4. J.V. Playoffs: All teams will make the playoffs. Playoffs
                               will be bracketed. The playoffs will start the                                     week of February 5.
5. All-Star Game: Date, time and place to be announced.
6. Unsportsmanlike Conduct: Unsportsmanlike conduct
                                  on the part of coaches, players, or fans
                                  will not be tolerated in any form for any
                                  reason. Automatic game suspension for
                                 ejection from game. This includes players
                                 and   coaches.
7. Certification: All adults on the bench must be certified.
8. Table: There should be two adults working the table during
                  the game.
9. Scores: Winning varsity team must e-mail in their score to
                   Sean Carroll ( The winning J.V.                        coach must e-mail in their score to Chris Hanlon                              (
No excuses.

J.V. Rules that are different from Varsity

1. Full Court Pressure: J.V. will allow full court pressure
                       in the first and fourth quarters. There will be a
                      twelve point rule. Once the spread reaches twelve
                      points, the press must come off. There will be one                           warning followed by technicals. Full court pressure
                      will be allowed in overtime. In the second and third
                      quarters, the defense must wait behind the three                              point line until the ball crosses half court.
2. Foul Shots: Foul shots will be shot from 15 ft. (regulation).
                      However, you may go over the line, after the ball is

Good luck and most importantly, HAVE FUN!!!
J.V. Scores
Varsity Scores
Past Champions