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This is my second Win32 game, and one that I am quite pleased with. Having used some framework from existing Shuzzle code, I whipped this up in about three days. In case you have never played Reversi (also known as Othello,) it is a simple strategy game in which a player places a stone such that there are stones of the opposite colour adjacent to it, and stones of the same colour farther off in the same direction. When it's placed, all the stones of the opposite colour in between get changed to the colour of the stone that was placed. It works vertically, horizontally, and diagonally. If that description doesn't suffice, there is an equally brief, but possibly better worded, description of the rules in the Readme when you download it. So download it.

Download Reversi 1.01


Ahh, a game worth downloading! This game hopefully ends my streak of failure and self-depracation. It's that puzzle game with the sliding tiles with numbers on them, and you have to put them in order. You've probably played it before, only it was made of wood or something. This one was made using the Win32 SDK, and although it's small, it's something I can truly be proud of, especially since it only took me four days to make.

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Download Shuzzle 1.01


The second and last in a series of games whose names end in "2K." This is based on Pong2K's paddle/ball structure, so it also uses CDX. (see details of Pong2K below.) This is essentially a clone of Arkanoid or Breakout, whatever you prefer to call it, but it never reached completion.

Download BrickBlast2K


Pretty basic game. This is my rendition of the (in)famous Pong. Please don't laugh; this is my first attempt at making a non-console game, so the rather lame sounds are just a novelty. It was made using a DirectX wrapper called CDX. The CDX homepage is on the links page.

Download Pong2K

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