Having a Treatment
I offer Reiki healing by distance, just mail me and I can help.I do this for FREE

A treatment room is not necessary to do Reiki, you can sit, stand or lay down.

All that is required is the placing of hands on the recipient..

Standing or sitting is fine for a short Reiki treatment.

As a full Reiki treatment can last from 
40 to 60 minutes, it is more comfortable for both practitioner and recipient  if you lay on a treatment couch.
I offer a short treatments also 15 minutes or half an hour.

When a room is available:

The room is generally conducive to relaxation, ie gentle lighting, soft relaxing music, incense or aromatherapy oils burn etc.

The practitioner will ask you some questions about your reasons for coming for Reiki healing.

Then go on to explain what the treatment involves, the hand positions used and what to expect from the process.

You will be asked to take off your shoes and any jewellary.
While you are fully clothed, the Reiki practitioner will probably ask you to lie down on a treatment couch.

The practitioner will place his or her hands gently on the recipient in various positions.
Reiki is not a massage and no tissue manipulation is ever involved
The practitioner will usually start at the head with hands on the face.
Working down the body, finishing at the feet.
It is non-intrusive treatment therefore there is respect for body privacy..

You may feel tingling in your body or the flow of Reiki through your body. Often the practioners hands feel very hot and colours or commonly seen.

Most people feel exceptionally relaxed and some fall asleep.