The Principles of Reiki
Dr.Mikao Usui, the founder of Reiki Ryoho, adopted five Principals to live by from the Meiji Emperor.
When applied to Reiki, would heal the body,bring peace of mind and happiness in life.
Theses are:-
Don't get angry today
Don't be grievous.
Express your thanks.
Be diligent in your business.
Be kind to others.
Reiki Principles

Just for today I will give thanks for my
many blessings.
Just for today I will not worry.
Just for todayI will not be angry.
Just for today I will do my work honestly.
Just for today I will be kind to my neighbourand every living thing.

Just for the moment set aside your conditions ideas and expectations.
make yourself empty for a moment.
Be open.

When we think of failure,
Failure will be ours.
If we remain undecided,
Nothing will ever change.
all we need to do is want to achieve something Great
And then simply to do it.
Never think of failure
For what we think,
Will come about.
A life without love

Belief without love will make you fanatical,
duty without love will make you ill-humoured,
order without love will make you pedantic,
Power without love will make you violent,
Justice without love will make you severe,
A life without love will make you ill.
Usui, taught to say the principles daily, morning and at night and before treating self and others. The principles encourage mindfulness, which is staying in the moment, which is paying attention to these conditionings.