Valley Corps' Photo Studio 1998 to 2000
Gettysburg, PA 135th aniversary event 1998
Roadside Bivouac
Color Company at Battalion Formation
Valley Corps Before Picket's Charge
Locport, IL   1998
The Ten Dollar Boys
Greenbush, WI   1998
Knapsack Inspection
Boscobel, WI 1999
Company forms up for Batalion Drill
Brodhead, WI 1999
Valley Corps in Collumn of Companies during Battalion Drill
Knapsack Inspection Part Deux
Chickamagua, GA National Event 1999
Sunday Morning Confederate Dress Parade
Valley Corps Company Street
Greenbush, WI   1999
Sgt. Jensen makes sure our lines are straight for inspection.
Supper is prepared in Civilian Camp.
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