Recruitment  Corner
                 The informational form above was all the Confederate Army needed from a person in order for them to join the military.  If you have come to this page there is a good chance you are interested in this hobby of ours.  Or you might just have some questions about why people would do this.  In any case, the best way to find out more about reenacting and/or The Valley Corps is to either email

  Jason W. Reinholz         at


                     Kris Kransel               at
                                                      DECLARATION OF RECRUIT

      I,                                 desiring to VOLUNTEER as a soldier in the Army of the Conderate States , for the term of ONE YEAR, Do Declare That I am                  years and                              months of age; that I have never been discharged from the Confederate States service on account of disability, or by sentence of a courtmarshall, or by order, before the expiration of a term of enlistment; and I know of no impedimetnt to my serving honestly and faithfully as a Soldier for one year.

Given by
                                                                          The                 day of

I CERTIFY, ON HONOR That I have carefully examinded the above named Volunteer, agreeably to the General Regulations of the ARMY, and that, in my opinion, he is free from all bodily defects and mental infirmity whic would, in any way disqualify him from performing the duties of a soldier.

Examining Surgeon
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