Developed by Microcabin, Fray in magical adventure first came out on the MSX computer in 1990. 
What is MSX?
Well MSX is a home computer. Just like the COMMODORE 64 at the time.
But MSX was released a year before the commodore 64. 1983 was when the MSX 1 came out.
MSX was not very popular in the USA. Barely any anyways. But,
 In Japan it was extremely popular; tons of games were made for the MSX.
Games at first were released on a catridge or a cassette. A CASSETTE??!! yea.
When the MSX 2 was released, game companies started to use the famous FLOPPY DISK.
MSX has many versions:
  1. MSX 1
  2. MSX 2
  3. MSX 2+ (JAPAN only)
  4. MSX TURBO R (JAPAN only)
Anyways, Fray was certaintly released on many computer systems!
  1. Fray in magical adventure MSX 2 and MSX 2+
  2. Fray in magical adventure MSX TURBO R
  3. Fray in magical adventure NEC PC9801
  4. Fray in magical adventure NEC PC ENGINE
  5. Fray in magical adventure SEGA GAME GEAR
They werent released all at the same time of course. '90-94
All of them were different then each other. Usually it got cuter and cuter by the time.
MSX 2 and MSX TURBO R version are quite the same, but different scenes and such.
It would be hard to find all the versions of Fray nowadays!

MSX VERSIONS boxart(click)

SUPER CD VERSIONS boxart(click)

thanks to XYZ website for the boxarts
