(Freya(Fray) Jerbarn)
13-18 age 3 years training to be Magician 16: FIMA 17: Tower of Gazzel 18: Xak III

She is from the gaiden story of XAK(MSX 1989).
Latok Kart saved her from monsters in the woods near the Fearless Village.
Soon, she falls in love with Latok...and she wants to aid him, so, she goes and meets
Endra, the socerress. Endra tells her she will be a good magician so she sets off to
Mirsia Magical Academy. Three years past and now she is a magician!
But first she must catch up to her love.

Fray is considered kinda like the heroine of the Xak series.

Fray is clumsy, annoying(in a good way), but she is a nice girl.
Even though Fray
argues with her rival Pixie about many things, she still has a good heart.
She is also a daydreamer,
a romantic one too. She daydreams of her and Latok being together
She flips between her fantasies to real life alot so she is pretty capricious.

(Latok Kart)
16-21 age (16: Xak I  19: Xak II  20: Tower of Gazzel  21: Xak III

Latok is the hero of XAK. Latok is the quiet RPG hero of Xak. But he isnt a silent character,
its good that he talks, atleast we know how he is. He is also a nice guy too.

His mission is to find his lost father and stop the forces of evil and demons.
Latok also has a friend, Pixie, who guides him through his adventures. She is a faerie messenger.

Latok probably cant choose between Elise(Elise, Latok's childhood friend) or Fray. Which one Latok?
I think Latok should pick Fray but we wont ever know because Microcabin pretty much
stopped the series when Xak III was released. Maybe MC will release a new Xak game someday?

(Pixie doesn't get a picture because she SUCKS)

Pixie (real name Lou Miri)
Who knows what her age is. Since she's from Oceanity(fairies ONLY), she might as well be  5000 years old.

Pixie, or Lou(so fifties), is an obnoxious fairy. Actually, a fairy messenger. In the first game King Wavis sent Pixie to Latok(an ancestor of Duel). In the games Pixie is completely useless. All she does is give you stupid hints(don't get me started on Tower of Gazzel.), and sits in Latok's armour, being comfortable and warm, while Latok fights his pants off.
Pixie secretly loves/like? Latok, and is a pretty jealous person. Her and Fray are the natural comedic rivals of a fantasy story.

