Arent you glad I made one?
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This is a long page. Press ctrl-f to find a place throughout this page.
   a. Fears Village
   b. Adventure
   c. Arzal
   d. Forest
   a. Arsides
  a. Reigia
  b. Water
  c. Ship
   a. Lakelord
   a. Valuah
   d. Valuah 2
VIII. a. Reigia 2
      b. Valuah 3
      c. Mines 2
   a. Pularis
   a. Valuah 4
   b. Flying
   a. Rock bird?
   a. Terrace
   b. Bridge
    a. Seal's Face
   a. Centre
XVI. Dungeon
    a. Second floor
    b. Third floor
    c. Fourth floor
    d. Fifth floor
    e. Sixth floor
    f. Seventh floor
    g. Eight floor
     a. GOD
XVIII. Ending
XIX. Credits
XX. Special modes

I. GENERAL....................................................

First of all...if you want to play Fray in Magical Adventure download the game, translated.
Google it, Fray in Magical Adventure (you know what) MSX TRANSLATION. POOF it pops up!

By the way, dont forget to get blueMSX so you can play it.

To play, you must open up blueMSX. Then insert the FIRST .dsk file.
***Sometimes it stops the game and it say you must change to DISK 2 ,press space, just go back to DISK DRIVE A and insert the FRAY DISK 2 and press space.
And saving your games at lodges...well....rather, its confusing so just use save states to save your game.

Now press the PLAY button(near the pause and stop)


Since this was my first MSX game I had no idea what the controls were...but if your new to this I'll tell you anyways.

Arrow Keys to walked
X key to jump
C to shoot your magic
SPACE to use scrolls and teleport

(I'll break up in sections)

The intro is EXTREMELY LONG at first if you are new to MSX computer games.
Yea......cant skip it either. Its pretty slow. Or you can just go make food then bam its done.
Be sure, if you do so,
I captured scenes of the opening and put them on a page: http://www.oocities.org/reiszvanadis/opening.htm,
so, if you missed any scenses, its in there lol.

The story is about Fray that wants to help Latok. Unless your familiar with XAK you wonder who is Latok..
.Well, go play XAK if you want to know more of him, but he is on mission to find his missing father.
Latok saved Fray from (they look like cats...) monsters in the forest near fears village.
Then she become in love to him.
Now she wants to learn magic from the encouragement from Endra. Time to study for 3 years at the magic academy...
3 years later...
Now she is ready to help him!......but she has to find him!
In the intro she daydreams about her and Latok...but then, Oh get real! XD...
THERE IT IS! FEARS VILLAGE!.........................


Well Fray(you) walk up and there mister this. Okay...I've played over this game before and really, that dude looks like a baby with a spear.

Then theres this arabian dude.

Oh yea and in case you haven't notice you can JUMP.
Fray can float like Peach. I mean look:

Anyways if you want have some fun, go over to Mr. Milorc house. Its on the far left. Why does he call you handsome? I guess this was some kind of translation error lol.
Anyways you come out.
Go back in. (please dont ask me why I go back into his house again)
Now Fray thinks he is in love, at first I thought he was in love with Fray, LOL.
He wants to know the name of the nurse, so go to the far right and go to nurse house.
You get her name, its Ere... now go back and tell him lol. Well, you tell Milorc her name, and he thanks you.

Well now you can go to church if its Sunday or Wensday, or whatever. So now, if you want just explore the town and talk to the people,
but you are not going to get any items whatsoever.
Oh yea and if you go back to Mr. Milorc house for some reason, he daydreams about Ere.
If you go back to the house to the right of Mr. Milorc's house 3 times no one is in there. Like this matters to you.
Now to proceed finally, go up from the armour dude house into Latoks house.
Woah, his mother has scary eyes...cataract
Fray asks if he is here but, unfortunately, to her dismay, he left her a letter saying:(if you cant read the game version)

Dear Fray.
 I left to find my Father on my own. He has been spotted in Banuwa village.
The voyage is very dangerous, so I decided to go alone, in spite of what I promised you.
I'm sorry, but I dont want you to get hurt.


Fray is very dissapointed......she starts crying.
now this dude, Bobby, appears to cheer her up. Endrea is being an idiot and accusing him of teasing her. Than this other blond girl called Alice comes up.
Dont listen to this girl, she suck.
Anyways, Alice tells you to go and follow and protect Latok. 
Fray thanks them all and goes off.
After the teasing ends with Booby and Alice, it says to insert gamedisk.
Insert gamedisk 2 and press space.

Alright, finally we get to the good stuff. This is kinda of like Legend of Zelda where you shoot and run.
To shoot press C. Dont fall out into the water!
There are these cyclone/ogres that throw rocks at you.
Dont get in the middle and stand there! Charge up 5 power bar and then go to the middle fast before the rock hits you.
Or the cheaper way is getting close but making sure that the monster doesnt appear on the screen yet.
Then you wont get hit. Or go all the way to the bottom cause they cant see you.
There are those stupid monsters that come out of the sand, kill them fast because they dont go on the same line as you.
Get them when they do. Kill the last ogre and go up to the town

When I first heard the music of Arzal, sounded like chinese.
Anyways, hopefully you have around...1200 or 1250 gold.
Of course your going to buy new weapon! So head on to the magic store(its the building near the item/sheild shop which is just above the inn which the inn is near the clothes hanging on the string to dry off.).
I buy usually the Fire 1 Rod. But buy whatever suits you.
k now lets go get some food so it can heal our hp. Buy as much bread as possible.

Smith Geela, GEELA? anyways he sells the shields and items. Unless your some kind of gold worshipper you wont be able to buy any of the shields.
So dont bother. Actually, before you do buy bread go to the inn because I think you need to replenish some hp and you know, you dont want to waste bread while your on your adventure....so get out of smith geela's shop for awhile and go to the inn.
Anyways lodge for 100 gold. It tells to save but just abort the save and use save states...NOW you can buy some bread. The beef looks like potato chips lol.
Buy 5 piece of bread which is 400...geez thats expensive...and then how much money you have left buy more bread till you have ZERO gold.

Now you must have 0 gold, dont worry you'll have 2000+ at the end of the boss..
Lets head out! Oh yes that's right. I forgot to tell you to go to the mayor, kid.
He is alll the way to the beginning of where you enter to Arzal(no dont EXIT the town) he is in the left house.
Anyways the Mayor tells you to go up plains. He gives you this teleporter.
Anyways now you can get pass the gaurd.

This is forest. and equip your weapon right now! press shift and equip and choose whatever you bought. Kill the blue weird things of caca before they multiply,
because I had 3 of them on my screen and then poof 10 or so appeared.
Also, just like the ogre, theres this weird plant thing(looks like a venus fly trap) that shoots yellow balls at you. Do what I told you before. In case you forgotten...go to the bottom of the screen and it wont attack you(just go a step up and hit) bam dead.
Now there are these female warriors that will shoot a fireball or something at you. They are kind of hard to kill.
ROLLING MERMAID MEN? These things are ANNOYING, they roll into you for 5 seconds. Kill them if you only want gold but they are TRICKY.

At the bridge now...there are these pink fishes, which are annoying sound.
just walk when they are high in the air.
Then these blue cats pop up from the holes, kill them.

UGRRH more of those stupid, FISHES.

Now your in a new area, do the same as usual just kill...soon enough, these wolves with BOOMERANGS come at you. Just go to the bottom of the screen and kill them, they wont throw the boomerangs at you.
When you go further there are these bird humans(forgot what their called..). They are pretty hard to kill but what I usually do is just keep firing the firebolts while walking, so then you wont have a problem! ;P

Now your at the end of the cliff. There is this rotating block, so becareful and not fall down..(use a savestate so that if you mess up you can open up and walala, you dont have to go through the whole 2nd part...) And when your on those blocks dont go right on the edge, because if you jump to another block, you fall into the ocean.



Thats GOOD because you need to shoot the monster and its not a rotating one.

Now you get to this point where...there are three blocks. Its easy to fall down so go to the left block. JUMP!
then jump to the middle block because now you see the monsters.
Go back to left block and kill the plant north of you.
Now jump to the middle block then to the upper left block and kill the other monster. Last block...Head inside.

----------BOSS BATTLE------------
First give yourself BREAD!(hopefully you did not use it all up or your screwed!)

HITS TO KILL(not the summoned monsters)-3 hits to kill(power to 5 bars)

Arsides has 1+1+2 summoned monsters she summons before you can
kill her. Just power up to all 5 bars but RUN AWAY from the monsters! And becareful of Arsides 3 double attack. When it gets to 2 minions it would have been a good idea to have gotten a arrow wand instead...but you can still kill them! This is hard though, try to get them in a straight line and BLAST them, they are dead. If you cant do that then blast them one by one, but becareful.
After you kill them now you get to attack Arsides! DONT get in the middle of her when she fires her whip. Power up 5 bars(MUST) and when she is at the middle of you FIRE fast, and then run before she hits you. Also, she must be on the ground too.

After you hit her 3rd time she die! Yaya, hopefully you did not die heh.
You get 700 gold.

A guy talks to you and says a warrior came through the town!
He says if Fray knows him and Fray says "yes(of course hehe...)im following him."
The guy says to Fray that she needs to hurry. She cant cross the north cliff anymore.

So anyways, you must be tired. Head to the inn to rest up.
No bread here!! EEE...so if you have no bread...teleport back to Arzal. Or if you want a challenge and still have some bread left
dont teleport ;P
Buy a new wand! Buy any wand of what you feel like. But Im going to go with Fire 2 wand ;P.(I never have enought to buy rolling wand T_T)

And if you head up to to the broken bridge a weird man will teleport.
If you go to the dead end Fray says, "Damn! Dead end!" XD.
After you have done everything...go to the mayors house.

Fray talks with the Mayor Zarmof. She says she would like to cross the bridge. Zarmof says its difficult and the monsters are sinking all ships.
And the bridge has collapsed....Fray is quite dissapointed. The she hears a moan. It is Zarmof's ill son. A soceror is helping Zark(the boy). Zarmof says the soceror could help Fray. Fray meets him. It is socerer Isaac. He says she might not be powerful enough to cross the lake. But he says he will help her if she does him a favour. Fray needs to get a leef-medicine from Valuah.
Now you follow Isaac automatically. See, this is why I told you not to go to the mayors house first thing...because you cant come back.

Isac now parts the waters into a path and somehow Fray can land really good...
Okay, if you have bread here SAVE IT till the boss. And, be really slow on this stage.
Dont rush or anything. You want to have not used ANY bread so de-equip it.

New enemies...the enemies in the blue shells are really annoying...you shoot and then they are back in their shells >_<...

There are three blue shell monsters surrounding a treasure chest so kill all of them! You receive a thunder 1 which if equipped can do a thunder attack at a enemy. Big fishes come out of the waters but dont worry they dont hit you.

Soon you'll come up to a big red crab. Its grabs out at you but most of the time it misses. Just be careful.

Another chest, get it. You get a Fire 1. Just like the thunder 1, it shoots fire.
There is a ship near and a teasure chest right besides it. Open up the treasure chest and a Fire 3 is inside. It is must powerful than fire 1!

Inside the ship there are these sea creatures that shoot really fast but are easy to kill.
A rolling barrel comes down do hit it. Open up another chest and you find meat! Save it for the boss fight!

Now there are these wacky pirates that throw daggers really fast so kill them fast.

There is a treasure chest and a pink pirate. Nothing in the chest, seems like the pirate stole it...
To kill the pinky, go on the same line it is, not to the side but below it.
A new room where swords pop up. Whatever you do DONT step on the tiny holes!
Now there are mermaids, cant hit them so jump!
Actually, you can hit the mermaids because their songs dont go all the way down. so head down and hit them with full power 5 bars.

There is a crab with lasers...i always run away from this. But if you want kill it for gold. Head up...inside the boss room.(save state inside the boss room)



hits to kill-13 hits(hit with 5 power bars)
Strategy: Jumping
Reward: 800 gold

Hit him with 5 power bar attacks. Key to winning this battle is just hitting and dodging much like Arsides battle...But its harder. And jump. ALOT. Because little squids come out so you need to jump over them! And the tentacles though, are easy to dodge. At the middle of the battle when he is half dead, use the meat and then after the meat is used, re-equip yourself again with bread(you might have 3 or 4 left of bread so dont worry!)
He is tricky but at the end you recieve 800 gold!
(Fray says he was a piece of cake...-.-)

Now you appear...out of the water...how did she get out of the ship? Maybe the Lakelord made a path because he is so big.

Anyways...a new town!
But when you come a girl called Miry shows up. She follows you around...

Go to the Item shop(just north) It is Miry's grandpa. Im sure you have a crapload of gold now so buy lots of bread!

Sometimes Miry cuts your game progress and asks questions. Like one where Miry says, Lost someone? Fray says yes... And Miry says if its her boyfriends...Fray blushes. XD.

Anyways, press talk to the item shop dude, Dr. Razel. He will make a Leef Medicine for you.

After you come out, Wizard Mill appears! He teleported wrong again...
Then he teleports where Fray and Miry are!

Wizard Mill is Fray's teacher. Mill(Mill Grard) has tried to find out info on the kidnappings. And he says a few days ago, a warrior has been taken by monsters.

The magic power of Zekisis were behind the kidnappings.
The dark powerz.
Miry spots something in the sky. A flying castle! Ku Or. The sorceror inside might be the kidnapper!

Dr. Razel finished the leef-medicine!  Anyways, how the heck do we get back to the place? Well...first lets head to the mines. So head north and go!

The path to the mines is HARD so go slow...but you recieve ALOT of gold.

Roses that shoot even more now! Just easy to kill them.
All I did was just run and jump. Its insanely rediculous...the enemies, way to many so I just jumped. The bees always sting you, its annoying. It possible though to kill.


DO NOT walk all the way to the end of the mines. Ride the cart. Also there are dead end rail roads so becareful.

Oh yea, and dont bother shooting, just do this, Get on the cart and(hopefully you have the fire 3 rod because it shoots 3, or another rod that shoots alot) shoot because you will always catch up to your fire and its easy making gold! BAM one hit and the enemies are dead!
Move the cart just like how you usually walk.

Except the bad part is that, you wont be getting any of the treasures...but if you DO like treasures, go ahead, walk. Its a must for treasure gamers.

Now your at the end of the mines...well if you go up you'll be teleported at town again..XD,
but hey! you made some gold! :D
So anyways if you want to make more gold go ahead.
Anyways, equip your teleporter item. Yea, it sucks that you cant use the "USE ITEM" because thats what I tried to do for a week. PRESS SPACE.

It tells where to teleport. Well..of course your going to teleport BACK to Reigia! So do so.

------------REIGIA 2--------------

Yea, now go to the mayors house!

Isac says, good its just in time...well I think the ill boy would have been dead by now in my game LOL.

Anyways, Fray is worried and she needs a way to Ku Or.
Isac says you gotta use the slumbering power(thought it was powder) from Barnas Volcano.
An ancient artifact called DIVINE WINGS.
It can make you get into Ku Or. But first, Isac needs to tell Mill how to use it.
Sometimes I wonder how these people know each other.

Isac also gives you a key to break the seal of the Barnas volcano's gaurdian.
Isac says he hopes you succeed. Well you might die a couple of times so I dont know about that. But we can try, right?

HOLY CRAP I think i saw a gho-oh, it was just the arabian dude walking near rhe windows.
Oh yea, when you were at Valuah I forgot to tell you to go to inn.
Well the inn keeper is creepy anyways...who knows what he does to YOU at night, T_T.

Where to go now?? Use your teleporter again.
save state here.

-----------VALUAH 2----------------
When you come to Valuah Mill says that Miry's power is awesome! haha better than yours any days.
So then Fray avoids the subject because she got slayed,
and now she tells Mill she found a way.
Isac wants to also meet Mill in Reigia. So bye bye Mill because he teleports where you just teleported from. ARGH.
Fray says she needs to go too.

While your at it, buy some bread too. I forgot to tell you, did I? Well, I dont remember.

And anyways why should I tell you?!!! nah Im joking.
Oh yea and since you have alot of money you can buy a new sheild!!
Look at the blacksmith man. I dont know about you, but she seems like she came from the future, 1980s
Buy a sheild you can AFFORD. And dont buy a sheild that waste all your money...cause I dont think you have enough money to buy the UBER Knight Sheild. lol

Im prepared. 22 breads, yeahhh. Are you?
Anyways save state here.

Yea thats right go back to mines. This time since you have the seal key you can get past the teleporter! And now...


hits to kill: Probably more than 10
Strategy: Jump as much as possible
Reward:   1000 Gold and Divine Wings!


This dude sucks hardcore. I hope you brought alot of bread
He has 3 nasty attacks. First he comes up and hits you with a flame attack from his mouth.
BUT if you go to the side he doesnt hit you.
But then again, if you stay at the side his neck stretches out and can hit you so jump.
Then a meteor attack which is easy to dodge.
Power up to 5 bars. Use scrolls if you want.
When his head pops up hit him! And then one last blow, bam! hes dead! Yay! You receive 1000 gold and divine wings. I think he was easier than the squid..o_o
Anyways now you can fly. Then you get teleported back to Valauh.

----------VALUAH 3---------

MIRY HAS BEEN KIDNAPPED!" Mill shouts. Mill says we should use the magic fast, but Im sure your tired lol.
So rest at the inn. Well, Im not resting in the VALUAH inn though eww. Buy some bread anyways though.
Head to cliff to the left of town!(lol if you rest at the inn hes been there for a night.)

Mill learned how to use divine wings in Mirsia.

Fray has wings!
Insert gamedisk 3, THREE not ONE. Press space.

HOLY CRAP. I just lose some hp. She flies way to fast. Anyways SHOOT ALL THE TIME. Because its so darn fast. But the music is awesome.

There are also bags that come down that shoot when you shoot. Great.

WOAH ITS KRAKO! Pretty much the enemies die in one hit because your traveling at the speed of light. I mean who wont die anyways?
If you have those pink circles its no problem because they kill monsters INSTANT.

Something weird thats on a dragon comes.
If you lose all your hp you die and start over again. Doesnt that suck. So save state CONSTANTLY.

that thing on the green dragon is a pain. I keep dieing.

Eventually it will blow up...whew.

Get this special weapon where its lasers with lines. Its great. And have blocks too (the b bag)

Another green dragon...? Seriously, this is taking forever. Dodge its attacks.
It will take you some tries to get it right...but hopefully you'll get through.

Actually when battling the dragon, dont use the 5 power bar, just hit him with normal attacks. Hopefully you'll get to use 3 of the firebolts.

Yay. After the last enemy your done... You will get the hang of it.

Next screen

STRATEGY: Dodge attacks

This was totally unexpected ARGHH.
When its missle things open from the back GO AWAY, they hit you hard.
The round things are hard to dodge...Stay in the middle of his back , because usually the flying round weapons dont go in the middle. And have a block just incase.
I got through(after the 5th try) with getting hit just once or twice with being in the middle.

Well, you've reached the Ku Or. Mill says he will help you.
It says save, so yea sure do it. But you can also save state lol.
If you save you get all your hp back. Just abort the save anyways. Just get your hp healed.

These stupid white ghostly monsters hit you in ANY direction you go. ARGH.
So what I DO is if theres a statue I go behind the statue and shoot them. HAHAHA.

There are statues that will block you but just jump over the line lol.
dont fall into the pit.
And dont land on the any arrow keys.
See this is how your supposed to land

Good grief, theres so many enemies that half the time I jump over them.
no wonder Im always poor.

2440 gold..-.-

Continually do save states cause it just do.
I should make some kind of zip file with all the save states im taking lol

Theres another set of arrow keys, and man is it tricky.

treasure chest!
But you find a Thunder 3. Well save it.
I hope you brough alot of food because this is LONG..

(I think this is the longest section in the walkthru)
Just like Final Fantasy V except no Gilgamesh. And no battle on the big bridge music. Well, you can imagine.
Now your at this bridge when a weird dark knight appears. Holy crud, it elongates itself like gummy.
These monsters are easy cheesy.

I bet you anything you can finish the rest of the game without this cheesy walkthrough. Actually this whole game is straightfoward. I can not believe I thought it was hard. But its fun lol.
Kill those dark knight bastards fast because they will kill YOU.

Rings on the ground. Its sonic time!
Boy was I wrong. Swords come out.
Actually, I barely jumped,
actually I DIDNT jump because they kept hitting me,
so basically I walked on it.

Oh theres more.
Finally I made it.
I keep pressing the shoot button, no wonder.

Woah a little mage.
Beware it will hurt you really badly.

Just when you thought the mages were tough, when you jump over the first set of swords BAM two come.
They just powered up some yellow stuff. Becareful.


Great, I fell into the pit and I have to start ALL over again from whence I started on the bridge.
Man, I hope you save state because I was stupid.
I thought this bridge wouldn't be so LONG so I said, meh I wont save state.
Well guess what got me there.

Anyways back to the falling pit.

I fell down again.
didnt get me this time!
I pressed the shoot button again.
Its a good thing I save stated.
Woah theres more of these falling pits
At the end theres this weird monster. 5 power bar kill it until it dies.
Atleast 3 or 4, 5 power bars and it dies.

Head inside again.

A boss...
I just fought a boss earlier come on...

HIT: More than 10 or so 5 power bar attacks
STRATEGY: Jump when it uses its lightning attack

Its so ugly that I took a screenshot to show you.

Anyways, what I first did was use thunder 3
but you dont have to.

Woah, it has amazing thunder attack
Its JUST like the dragon when it uses its elongated head. Just that the tree uses thunder instead. And dont go under its tree branches because bells hit you, sucks yea.
Go on the RIGHT side and when keep powering your 5 bar attack, and when he hits you jump!
Once you get the hang of it hes a wimp.

Then a ladder shows. Go down it.

Frays in the centre of the castle. Man, i need some bread though...

Yayaa you can save your game if you go downstairs.
That means FULL hp woot. Do it.

When you get to the point where it had arrows and 3 platforms, 4 monsters come out so jump to either the right or left platform fast!

Beware of the eyeball that shoots lasers.

Them theres a spinning disc so I save stated here. You need good timing to land on the platform..
I always find the cheapest way lol.

Open up the treasure chest. BREAD! ah SWEET BREAD.
Aren't those maidens that cry annoying?! always hit me...
Yellow robo thing, just power up to 5 and hit him.

On the next part you need to land on the grey boxes and jump quickly before you get to the arrow.
Actually theres a cheaper way where you land right on the edge of the pink arrow but thats extremely rare.

Argg, maybe if those stupid arbalest monsters were not there?!!

After you made it through, get the treasure chest, but kill the enemy first.
The eyeball again lol.
After awhile there will be more spinning discs...

When you get up to a point...you see surf boards!
Yup you get to..


yeaaa its awesome. Better than flying.

And this time you GET to use items.
This is like flying,
except its
Jump over the red fences.

yea! that was fun
Anyways back to the same stuff...

LAST STAGE...............................

(The LONGEST section is the DUNGEON)
Now your at the dungeon and Mill says magic is POWERLESS here. So you basically cant fight.

Dead bodies in the cells.
Tis easy to get lost in here.

There are arrows and stuff but just jump over them lol.
Get to a place where you find a CELL KEY in a treasure chest.

Then go up a long flight of arrow keys just above the other ones and get a FIREDRAGON scroll.
Remember the cell you found earlier? Open up with your cell key.
Was I right eh?! DEAD BODIESSSSS

Talk to the dead bodies. yea well they are more sleeping then dead.
If you talk to the body to the right, Fray smacks him and then Mill says its some kind of magic on them.
lol my favourite one was the woman saying,
Now go down the stairs to right of the cell.
-------------SECOND FLOOR------------
There are teleporters
And they teleport you to treasures and such. Teleport until you get the FLAMEBIRD SCROLL.
Go on to the arrows but DONT GO TO THE TOP TELEPORTER.
Go to the one to right because you'll get thunder 5.
Then after you teleport you'll be back where you started from the first teleporter.

Go till you find another cell. Mill says he will soon teleport. OOOH your getting closer!!
Dont go to the bottom teleporter on the second floor.

---------------THIRD FLOOR-------------
To the right is spikes...
Jump over them until you get to a cell! DONT GET THE CHEST TO THE RIGHT. Its going to attack you. like those angry chests in seiken densetsu 3...
ITS A SALESMAN!!1 ahhhh, buy EVERYTHING, nah, buy FOOD. You might need some food.
yeaa I have 37 bread and 2 meats. Buy anything you need. Scrolls are very useful...

Now go down the middle hall, jump over the spikes and grab the chest. It has a WATERDRAGON scroll.

Go to the right and theres another chest. Its a fake one, dont touch it.

Go up the spikes, open up the chest and theres a Thunder 5. Dont go up the spikes. Another fake chest.
Now go to the left, fake chest. Go up the spikes. Two chests. Now you see the difference.
The fake chest is bigger and doesnt have a gem on it.
So get the chest to the right.
You get a Big Wave scroll. So many scrolls....
Wow, was I stupid or what. For 2 hours I tried teleporting(you know those teleporting pods with the W) to get to the next place.
Guess what.
All you have to do is now go back to the entrance to the third floor, then taka a LEFT and go down the spikes.
New stairs.
I didnt see that before...did you?

----------------------FOURTH FLOOR-------------
Once you go down...ITS LATOK?!!
Fray asks how come you are being so mean?!
The dudes name is
LUTOK. Man, this sucks. I thought she was really going to find Latok. Not LUUTOK.
Now Miry and Mill come. WTH? Mill just teleported here?! So ALL that time we could have TELEPORTED to the exact place. What a load of-

Then Lutok thinks Mill is a DEMON. Well of course, I mean look, he has purple hair.

"I'll trust you. You know a way out of this dump?"
Yea, that definately doesnt sound like a Latok to me.

LOL then Lutok says FAR OUT!

Fray says then to Mill. she wants to meet the Castle Lord.
You give away your teleporter to Mill. What the?
I thought Mill can already teleport?
Save your game because maybe you might be dieing. Look, its like Lutok is that dude at the start of the game, a baby with a spear.
Except more clothe.
Anyways go down then right and up to go to another floor.

-------------------FIFTH FLOOR--------
After walking for a bit, Lutok asks if you and him have been introduced properly.
Lutok is Lutok HART a mercenary.
Lutok says Latok must be a swell guy.
LOL then Lutok asks:
Your're kinda cute. Wanna be my girl? I won't bore you!

Lutok says if you change your mind let me know.
Fray says she wont (thats for sure). Anyways continue up.

-------------SIXTH FLOOR-----------
Lutok went into a trap. Go inside where he did.
Lutok collapses.
Tis, Amadok.


Wahahaha, what a wimp. Mill comes!
Mill reversed the spell. Now he teleports.
Save your game again.(save state aswell)
Go through the door.

Those weird white skulls follow you around.
I pretty much jumped and dodged every monster lol.
Becareful of the mirror at the end. Multiplies to you and they attack, so jump over it.

Mill collapses! He looks like a pancake.
Amadok failed summoning the gods.

Mill gives you 3 potions.
DONT SCREW THIS UP. you get 3 potions so use them WISELY on the last battle.
Save your game. and savestate it. GO UP

Its Amadok! And he summons one powerful monster!
its ugly too.
HITS TO KILL: As many as it takes you
STRATEGY-   dodge all his attacks and jump alot.

When you get to the middle of killing him he has a weird middle attack.
You have to hit him when his hole opens up.
After awhile, these sharp things come out of the ground.
It gets really hard but just make sure you use your potions wisely and food.
Scrolls dont work at all here but its fun to use lol.

I think the game makers should have created less kiddish music for this boss.
Look, does the music even SUIT this boss?

Actually, the music in this game is great
but I think the last BOSSES music SUCKS so hardcore.
It starts out great then boom it dies off.
Fray says it was a piece of cake.
WTF? Most of the time, Fray, you were almost DEAD.

Now it says to put in the demodisk 1.
It is actually .dsk no. 4
press space.

Now not to spoil anything, you get to watch the ending.


-People for making the game
-Oasis for translating this game
-XyZ website for making me know about this game and deciding to write a walkthrough. And alot more things aswell. (like the pixie stage info)
-SkyeWelse(webmaster of XyZ website) for giving me screenshots of the super cd version of Fray and the original version screenshots aswell. Also for putting my webbie on the links page of XyZ website.
And other things too.
-blueMSX so i can play this game

This is my first walkthrough so it might not be great.


Theres a special stage. Pixie! yea its Pixie's stage.
She runs with a gun? Anyways to get this..
you need to
Open up demo disk 1(DISK 4..) but when booting hold letters, G and O.
This stage is cool except so far I only see theres only one stage.

----thanks readers for playing this game and reading this walkthrough, if any questions just email me
startlingjirachi@hotmail.com OR I check this one more purplefinchkary@gmail.com

walkthrough by: purplefinch, 2007
if you want to use it on your own website, sure, but dont say you made it...
