Easy Guide to Feng Shui
Feng shui is now quite popular and many people are benefiting with its use. But in many countries, it is quite costly.  As a result, only the rich can learn it or consult a Feng Shui Prectitioner. This is the reason why I am making the scientific knowledge of Feng Shui available to all thro' this site.  I have tried to see to it that almost all possible questions of the viewers will be answered thro' this site.

Feng Shui is a scvience of harmonizing the surroundings. Unlike Indian Vaastu Shaastra, here there are different ways of interior arrangement as per the date of birth of the persons residing in that house.

There are some general rules, but for accurate and powerful results, it is always good to refer to the personal aspect of Feng Shui. You can do this yourself just by referring to this site and using the different charts and other tips in it.

Wish you great health, wealth and prosperity with Feng Shui!
Compass is used for ascertaining   the accurate direction in the compass school of Feng Shui.

Always place the compass in the centre of the house to know exact directions. If it is not possible to do the same, take the accurate map, align it with the main door and place the compass in the centre of the map.
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