This is my collectin of ideas that may or may not enlighten philosophers, literati, inventors, artists, poets, and the greatest thinkers of all time.  Some of these are mine and some are brilliancies i have found while surfing the pop-up riddled pages of the net.  If you have any ground-breaking ideas of your own and you would like to see them on my page, please e mail them to me and I will laugh at you!  Just kidding, I will post them with emphatic displeasure at the fact that I didnt think of them myself. 

If a woman won a trivia contest, would she be named:  MISS INFORMED?
Why is the soap dish the hardest thing in the house to clean?
If at first you dont succeede, then skydiving is definitely not for you.
Can you "walk down a road" that goes uphill?
How can you have the weight of the world on your shoulders, yet feel the need to get it off of your chest?
Did you know that the name of the phobia for the fear of long words is "hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia"
Anger is a condition to which the tongue works faster than the mind
You're only young once, but you can be immature forever! 
If a guy is named "nick"  what would his shorter name be?   Surely he would have a nickname wouldnt he?
I am rather bothered by the fact that my doctor runs a "practice"  and not a "perfect"  
There is something I just realized... dont hate me for this because if everyone suddenly thought I made sense, we would have a mass problem but:  I noticed that when i ask for the time, I point to my wrist, but when I ask where the bathroom is I never really point to my crotch.
I was thinking we should not be able to call it an elevator when we are going down in it.  The same must apply to an escalator, then, and we are now in a heap of useless words while shopping at the mall.
Is anyone as confused as I am when they think of a way to word what happened when a person tried to fail, yet succeeded?  Did he fail?  NO.... Did he succeed?  NO       
It is my assumption that a  person who was born blind, would not see anything recognizable in their dreams.  Yet, the rule is: there are exceptions to every rule.  And that brings me to another question.  Is there an exception to that rule? 
Is it annoying to you when people ask you a rhetorical question and you dont know wether it is a rhetorical question or not?
Did anyone else notice that we put a man on the moon before we put wheels on luggage?
I found it funny the other day when I was bored and I actually wrote on an eraser with my pencil.  Something, to me, didn't seem right.
The next time I work, I am going to work "like a dog"  because my puppies sleep all day and I feel that I am definitely qualified to do that!