
The Doormouse said "Name everything that begins with 'M'."

Help me name everything that begins with mercury...



Agricultural chemicals

S T O P !

I need a new page, here is the LIST

Accumulative low dose mercury poisoning measured in 'parts per million'.
First named by Alfred Stock.

The slow chronic accumulation of mercury morphs living cells and micro-organisms surf in its wake. Carcinogen's, chemicals, prescriptions, plastics and dental fillings contain mercury, there is no low dose. The myth of madness and chronic fatigue will turn us to stone or plastic that can't be cured by another toxin.

The source of mercury has to be removed, most medical professionals were neither trained in diagnosis nor treatment of micromercurialism, the patient has to begin serious medical study when memory looses its thread. It is easy to get lost in the micromercurial maze.

If the cause is known, you may ask why is nothing being done, here is the Weybridge Report from my home town that puts the picture into perspective.

crazy counter

How Many people have dental amalgams, (not silver fillings) 50% mercury in their mouth? Find the correct protocols and the best remedies for recovery from micromercurialism.

Be a COMPOSITE Kid! Take a Java ride to the 13th Floor, then bring back something from NanoKids.

The latest warnings are on the accumulative toxin "palladium" used in dental bridge work and found to be extremely harmful to health and should be removed immediately, the accumulation in tooth and tissue need to be removed.

Would you trust a bridge built of mixed metals? It would corrode and fall down, this corrosion occurs in the mouth of mixed metals and creates galvanism. Galvanism is a battery effect that not only releases mercury into the body but sends it to the brain. Gold and amalgam should never be put into the same mouth because it causes a greater release of mercury and galvanic shock, even new amalgam fillings cause the old fillings to become galvanically active, many people find they have static shocks after new dental work and are told this is not a problem. The body is then a conductor for EMF, galvanic acidity and lesion's form in the mouth and brain tissues. It is possible to measure the voltage of the teeth and find positive and negative polarities. It is not easy to get a mercury diagnosis while alive, but the toxic gas entering the intestines is frequently diagnosed as irritable bowel, yeast and intestinal fungal infection due to microbe's that live in toxic environments and methylmercury. Attempting to cure the secondary symptoms with antibiotics is futile due to the metals in antibiotics, this is the cause of antibiotic resistance and the undertow to low immunity, toxic shock, allergies and chronic disease.

Will nanoscience provide answers, sonic therapy cure?

The electrical potential of mercury cannot be dismissed. The basic elemental facts, physics, engineering and science progressed industrially with electro-cocktail-chemicals of carcinogen's leaving toxic scars on chronic industrial disease. The use of harmonic frequencies are found in ultrasound, chanting, music therapy, the cleaning of impure metals and the medicine man. I have added a section of pages to investigate Harmonic Frequencies in compilation of new scientific research data because the future of medicine has to overlap physics and biology. I do advice anyone interested in harmonic frequencies to first fully understand all there is to know about mercury, chemical properties, protocols, procedures and the use of chemical free natural detoxing, mercury is very susceptible to frequency agitation and flux. The missing link to chronic disease will purposefully be left out unless all known properties are investigated.

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