Plutonic: Unifying Concepts of Mind and Brain

plutonic) (charonic is a two-bit page named after the bi-planet, pluto and charon. charonic) (plutonic is home to cutting edge poetry, social commentary, and musical information. Welcome to plutonic) (charonic, designed to showcase the current integration of neurotechnology and neurophilosphy.

This is an Advanced Placement Honors Biology project which is designed to expose: the current movement to unify the concepts of "mind" and "brain," recent advances in neurotechnology, and the scientific philosophy of consciousness. It is based on an interview with Patricia Churchland (neurophilosopher at University of California at San Diego, Salk Institute), Erich Harth's (researcher in physics of perception at Syracuse University) "The Creative Loop," Roger Penrose’s (Rouse Ball Professor of Mathematics at University of Oxford) "Shadows of the Mind," and other snipets dealing with the topics.

Introduction to Neuroscience
Essential Terms in Science and Philosophy

Patricia Churchland
Interview.1: Beginning in Neuroscience
Interview.2: Neural Networks: Biology and Technology
Interview.3: Consciousness
Interview.4: Unification of Mind and Brain

Roger Penrose
4+ Viewpoints on Consciousness
Penrose, Neurobiology, Quantum Coherence
The Creative Loop

Summation, Conclusion, and Ideas

charonic) (plutonic
David Pearl:

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