About this Site

You have reached the part of the net which belongs to Reuben Francis Cornel. Right now its hosted by a free hosting service which means irritating advertisements. I intend to buy some space later and see to that those pesky advertisements disappear for ever. This is what I look like if you are interested.

Organization of web pages

This site is essentially meant to initiate people into programming. As of now it does not have anything very deep about the subjects mentioned. But in the future I intend to go deeper into the subjects.

Most of the tutorial pages are organized as follows. It first gives a brief introduction to the subject, then it says how to get started with it. Once you know the basic and are interested in going deeper then you can follow the links mentioned in the resources section of the tutorial

Contact Me

Please feel free to contact me for clarifications. I may not be able to reply to every mail I receive. I will try my best to reply to most of them

My email address is reuben_cornel@yahoo.com reuben (underscore) cornel (at) yahoo (dot) com. And yes please put the subject as "website" otherwise the mail will be consigned to the eternal fires of the great yahoo trash can.

This page is still under development. I try and write whenever I have the time. Sorry if you hit something that is not complete I will try and complete this at the earliest.