ðHgeocities.com/reubenobermeister/Mail1.htmlgeocities.com/reubenobermeister/Mail1.htmlelayedx«TÕJÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÈ”s·*OKtext/html€HƒMâ·*ÿÿÿÿb‰.HThu, 02 Mar 2006 02:53:46 GMTxMozilla/4.5 (compatible; HTTrack 3.0x; Windows 98)en, *«TÕJ·* Mail1
We get lots of interesting mail. Once in a while I can answer something, but I unfortunately have no time to answer it all. I thought I would include a sampling of what we get and make some short comments now.
You will notice that I greatly respect Freedom of Speech and have included both pro and con letters here. Roy would never do the same.
You have probably noticed that on the front page of the website, I include a direct link to Roy’s website so people can make up their own minds. Roy would never do the same.
Letter Comments are in
RED. My comments are in BLUE.

“What a jerk. Roy has been unnecessarily rude to many callers on his show and I slowly lost respect for him each time he did that.. I know for a fact he lies because I have heard him say no one has told him he's wrong in 43 years but the truth is when they do he hangs up on them, then calls them names. Not very Christian-like at all.”
I have tapes of Roy hanging up on callers that don’t agree with him, and then saying things about them. On Roy’s birthday a year ago, I called up, said who I was and asked if I could wish Roy a Happy Birthday on the air. They came back 10 minutes later and told me that it would not fit in to the format and hung up. All I was going to do was wish him a Happy Birthday.

“Just want to say thank you for letting me read the updates of Roy from your website. I go to your website every week to read what stupid thing Roy said this time.”
Happy to provide this public service.

“He is obviously a charismatic man, to have attracted such a following and is clearly self obsessed and potentially dangerous.”
When you open up the dictionary to the word ‘arrogant,’ there is a picture of Roy next to it.

“My daughter has been "befriended" by a man who is clearly a devotee of Roy Masters and who seems to be encouraging her and her friends (all 18 year olds) to adhere to his philosophy (such as it is) and practice of "emptying the mind" (I have no objection to meditation but am suspicious of this hotch potch of fundamentalist right wing Christianity with a bit of eastern mysticism thrown in).”
It’s really not that much different from Eastern Meditation practiced by a Billion people (although Roy would argue with that), however, the right-winged rhetoric is a bit disturbing in connecting the two. It’s like going to your dentist and when the nitro-gas is on, he starts telling you how wonderful George Bush is.

“I just checked out the www.roymasters.com website. Whoever writes it seems totally obsessed with every word out of Roy's mouth. What a tribute to Roy that he can garner such a rabid follower.”
Yes, Roy, you should appreciate this web site more.

“But hey, how do I know you're not in fact Roy Masters setting this whole thing up just to draw attention to yourself through all the negative publicity?”
That would actually be a great idea and strategy, but no, Roy is merely the person we pay tribute to.

“I most strongly believe had the new age hippies existed 200 yrs ago, they would have never had the success we have had in this country. How would the USA and the world be if Abraham Lincoln was a crystal wearing, incense sniffing, dope smoking hippie?”
Talk to any historian or expert on Colonial life (which includes myself--I have taught the subject before) and you will find that everybody from George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison and all their patriotic buddies DRANK--all day long. Ale, beer, wine, rum…CONSTANTLY throughout the day. Today they would be in A.A.  It is amazing they got through the American Revolution.

“We are accepting foreign gods in this country, we were once a proud
strong Christian nation, and now foreigners come to this country and
bring their gods along.”

Our country started out with numerous Christian denominations battling it out, many times leading to murder and other atrocities. They all viewed each other as having foreign gods. That is why our Constitution was clearly written with “Freedom of Religion” as the very first priority. You have the right to worship or not to worship as you please in this country.

“I was looking actually for Roy's website, to show a friend what a sleazebag he is, and found yours instead. Thanks for exposing this arrogant moron.”
Need a writing job?

“The Psychotherapists are just SO JEALOUS that a $10 tape of Roy Masters works better than $50,000 of psychotherapy.”
I don’t think they discuss Roy at their annual meetings.

“After reading your website, I now understand why I don't like to listen to Sean Hannity and especially Michael Savage.”
They are all cut from the same cloth.

“So, it seems that you are an ex-acquaintance of Royboy, a disgruntled one?”
When your close friends and business associates lie to your face and cheat you, that usually is a consequence.

“Hi. When exactly is Roy's birthday?
Interesting photos... are you still friends with those people or are you considered poison to all because you
challenge Roy?”
April 2, 1928. April 2 is my anniversary. Easy for me to remember.
I was definitely considered poison for many years. In the last two years, a number of people who have since had their own falling out with Roy and his family have apologized to me. There are some, of course, who still are afraid to take a stand when they see wrong.