More on Noah's Ark and the Flood
    While no one can know for sure, its possible that water surrounded the earth making a tropical paradise greenhouse effect. There is also 'the fountains of the great deep' that were broken up as is stated in Genesis7:11 as well as the 'opening of the windows of heaven.' Some speculate that the water from under the earth may have spued up into the atmosphere coming down as snow and causing what the scientists are always referring to as the ice age. Probably the continents seperated at that time and the collapse of the waters of heaven changed the earth's atmosphere so there was less pressure and less oxygen as well. 
   The animals that were gathered to enter the ark did not include the dinosaurs. These creatures were formed by satan by mixing the genes of other animals. Ask a 7 year old using the 'choose the thing that doesn't fit' game used in classrooms by students and they will tell you a teddy-bear, and a horsey, and a tiger or kittay-cat all go together but a three story monster---
doesn't fit!
  While the Lord removed those creatures satan seems to want us to revere them and we do in our theme parks and cartoons for children. While our God made us to stand erect and noble satan would have us bent in illness of body and mind. Jesus performed many miracles of healing showing His tender regard for our health and has given us plenty to hang our faith upon when we come to Him for restoration of mind.  Jesus would have us occupy a position one step below the angels and satan would have us occupy a position barely above the animal. The Great Controversy is over our choice. Why not make yours today?
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