Religion and Philosophy Links

Denominations and Groups

The American Ethical Union deeds, not creeds
Unitarian and Free Christian Churches UK Unitarians
Canadian Unitarian Council
Unitarian Universalist Association
Reform Judaism
Union of Progressive and Liberal Synagogues, UK
Church of the Open Mind, UK
Int'l Humanist and Ethical Union
United Church of Christ
Quaker Site
Unitarian Universalist Young Adult Network
Liberal Islam
Louie Crew's Anglican Pages lots of good information on Bishop Spong, gay rights in the Episcopal Church, etc.
National Council of Churches in Christ the lead US ecumenical organization representing dozens of mainline denominations
Humanist Society of Friends
Student Christian Movement in Canada
Jewish Reconstruction Foundation a naturalistic Jewish movement
The Reconstructionist the Jewish Reconstruction journal
The Center for Progressive Christianity
Unitarian Universalist Christian Fellowship
The Evangelical Universalist
American Humanist Association
Society for Humanistic Judaism
Christianity for a 3rd Millenium Started by Spong, providing theological and other resources to promulgate scholarship, etc. to the pews
World Council of Churches: ecumenical world wide movement
United Church of Canada
The Provisional Church a church for the unchurched
European Liberal Protestant Network
Churches Uniting in Christ
Sea of Faith for a non-realist, non literalistic faith
Snow Star Institute of Religion
The Witherspoon Society progressive Presbyterians

Philosophy and Theological Sites

The Iaoist Mythopoesis Project
Scientific Pantheism website
The Journal of Liberal Religion
The Humanist Evangelist
Center for Process Thought
Rutgers U, Viritual religion Index
MIA Philosophy Resource from Andy Blunden
Kevin's Articles on Religion excellent articles on debates commonly found on religion throughout the internet
Faith Futures
Radical Faith, Honest Sermons
Faith Matters Radio
Religious Naturalism Yahoogroup
Future Church
NT Gateway
Journal of Speculative Philosophy
Episteme: Philosophy Links
Famous UUs
Center for Liberal Jewish Learning
The Pragmatism website
Center for Dewey Studies
United Seminary in the Twin Cities
Humanism on the Web
Liberal Christian theology site
Liberal Religion Archives
Liberal Religion Safehouse
Society for the Advancement of American Philosophy
Process and Faith
Personalist Forum
The Highlands Institute for American Philosophical and Religious Thought
Millenium 3 a journal of some liberal Episcopal bishops
The Jesus Seminar
Muslim Freethinker Site
Society for Biblical Literature
American Academy of Religion
Jefferson's Bible
Philosophy and Religion site
Witness the social consicence magazine for the Episcopal Church
Home of Polebridge Press and the Jesus Seminar
Shalom Exploring Ancient Near Eastern Civilizations on the Internet
Association for Religion and Intellectual Life Cross Currents magazine

Gay and Lesbian Religion Resources

Integrity GLBT Episcopalians
More Light Presbyterians
UCC Coalition for GLBT Concerns
Dignity Gay and Lesbian Catholics

Interweave LGBT Unitarian Universalists
Out Spirit glbt spiritual resources
Transfaith Online
Center for Sexuality and Religion
Witness Our Welcome
Reconciling Ministries Network
World Congress of GLBT Jews

Feminist Theology

Vox Feminarum The Canadian Journal for Feminist theology
Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion
Voices of Sophia
Lilith a jewish feminist magazine
Women's Alliance for Theology, Ethics and Ritual
Ecumenical Women
Feminist Liberation Theologian Network

Last Updated 12/29/02